Products for headache: how to do without pills?


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Headache again? Yes, if this happens too often, it is best to see a doctor to avoid serious problems. But often headaches occur due to a lack of certain substances in the body. And this can be easily solved with the help of products.

Magnesium products

Magnesium is an element, the lack of which leads to vasoconstriction, which ultimately causes headaches. If "Drotaverin" helps you in this case, you can try to include foods with a large amount of magnesium in the diet.

Most of it is in:

  • bananas;
  • dried apricots;
  • avocado;
  • buckwheat;
  • cashew nuts;
  • brown rice.

These foods help relax blood vessels, improve blood flow, and oxygenate the brain.

Products with B9 and B12 in composition

If you have a headache, you should not give up broccoli, which contains the most of these vitamins. The fact is that with a lack of them, not only a headache may appear, but also severe weakness, absent-mindedness. Therefore, it is so important to include them in your diet.

Broccoli helps not only with headaches, but also with extra pounds (Photo:

The best way is to boil broccoli and serve it with a little lemon juice drizzled over it. Additionally, you need to consume more avocado and asparagus.

Foods high in potassium

When a person consumes little liquid, the body begins to lack potassium. And it is this very reason that often causes headaches. And in general, the appearance of the skin worsens from this, organs and tissues suffer. People who drink less than 1.5 liters of water per day often suffer from headaches caused precisely by chronic dehydration.

Therefore, if unpleasant sensations are associated with this, you should definitely consume more foods with potassium in the composition.

There is a lot of potassium in baked potatoes (although it is best to use it "in their uniform"). According to experts, 1-3 medium potatoes are enough to relieve a headache that has arisen. Orange juice does well, and so does plain water.

And so that the problem does not return, it is imperative to establish a drinking regimen.

Products with calcium in the composition

Often, headaches arise not due to the fact that some processes occur in the brain, but due to muscle spasms that surround the skull. Doctors often call these unpleasant sensations "tension pain", which increases with movement.

True, you need to be more careful with milk, because in adulthood its intolerance can be observed (Photo:

If this is the problem, you need to consume more medium-fat fermented milk products.

Black tea with sugar

In fact, this drink can be called universal for headaches. Moreover, even if you fundamentally do not consume sugar, you need to abandon this rule at least once if unpleasant sensations arise.

The fact is that adding sugar to tea increases the amount of catechins in the drink. These substances are a useful and effective anelgesic, which also has an antimicrobial effect.

For this reason, if you have a headache, it will not hurt to drink strong black tea, adding at least 1 tsp. Sahara.

Some useful words for women

Many women complain about the so-called "weather-dependent" pain. But most often these unpleasant sensations are associated with a sharp drop in estrogen levels, especially often this is observed during PMS. In this case, the diet should include fatty fish, soy, flax seeds and other foods that contain vitamin E, a lot of fatty acids.

Of the fruits that are rich in phyto-estrogens, apples are best.

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