Treat apples: kidney stones, varicose veins, heart attack, etc.


You know how helpful apples? And they treat diabetes and even cancer? Did not know? Read more in the article.

Apple - it's great!

Just one apple can give a person a quarter of the daily requirement of vitamin C.
And this vitamin protects us from many diseases and premature aging.

If every day to eat 2-4 apples, then:

disappear problem of constipation
will be swelling in the extremities
improve kidney condition in renal diseases

What apples are treated?

A lot of diseases and conditions helps to alleviate eating apples.

Gastric and intestinal recommended to eat sweet baked apple without sugar.

However, gastritis with low acidity gastroenterologists offer eat only Antonovka. It can be in any form.

Two cups of hot broth of apples a day to help with varicose veins and joint pain associated with the violation of salt metabolism.

Tea from apple rind has established itself as an excellent diuretic for kidney stones, and urinary bladder.
The same drink is used for eczema and other skin diseases.


The three-day diet on apples, dry black bread and green tea helps to reduce nicotine dependence.

How else to apply for health apples?

Moderately firm apple - this is a great massage the gums.

Thus it kills more than 90% of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Apples contain organic acids that prevent the development of caries. Eaten apple - cleaned not only teeth, but also the entire oral cavity.

Long-term mental load and stress need special means to not be something serious for the body.
The aroma of ripe apples miracle solution in this case.

This aromatherapy is used on Japanese enterprises, and efficiency is improved by 3 times.

And a little more about the healing properties... apples.

Did you know that apples:

  • protect us from cancer
  • best learned with honey
  • in pickled form retain all their vitamins and properties during the year
  • in seeds contain iodine and 5-6 grains of apple - daily dose for human
  • improve heart and brain, memory and attention
  • increase efficiency and mood
  • protect against heart attack and stroke
Before using any means necessary to consult a specialist!

Take care of yourself and do not get sick!

Health to you and your family!

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