How I cut pineapple on the New Year's table to make it both beautiful and convenient 🍍🎄


Each of us wants to decorate the festive table with all kinds of dishes, serve them in the best possible way. Well, everything is clear with salads and aspic, but how beautiful is it to cut pineapple on a festive table? Not everyone knows this. Therefore, remember our life hack!

Now we will tell you in detail and show another way to serve your favorite exotic fruit, besides the usual classic cutting into small pieces - the way we used to see it in cans of canned pineapple.

You need half or all of the fruit, but the slices are made from quarters. And do not forget to sharpen the knife before creating the fruit beauty on the plate so that it does not tear the pulp, but cut it like clockwork.

1. Choose a ripe, juicy yellow pineapple. It should be slightly soft, but not dense, not greenish! Light mold below the fruit is acceptable - it signals that it is ripe.

2. Cut the fruit in half, then cut each half in half more, making quarters. Yes, cut with the green tail! Then cut off the ends with one quarter along with the leaves.

3. Now cut off from above with a knife the dense part that is not suitable for food - it is tough and cannot be eaten.

4. Flip the skin upside down and trim it at one end and the other, then cut it off completely. Rinse the prepared piece of pineapple pulp in water and set it aside - it will go for classic slicing. It will be enough to cut it along the middle and cut it 1 cm thick.

5. Now move on to another quarter of the fruit. Very carefully cut the upper dense part by about 0.5 cm and cut it almost to the end, but do not remove it, but twist it into a spiral. Likewise, trim off another part of the hard layer and twist. Secure both spirals with a toothpick. If desired, you can insert a berry inside: strawberries, grapes, or an olive.

6. Then trim the flesh at the base of the ponytail. Next, cut it from the rind, trimming at each edge. Rinse the pulp and cut into 1.5 cm thick slices. Move it back and put each slice to the other side in a checkerboard pattern.

7. Place the classic pineapple slices on a plate with skewers and the fruit with the prepared slices.

Serve with chilled champagne and chocolate.

Author: Alena Prika

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