How do you save a salty lunch?



A pinch of salt accidentally thrown into soup or salad can ruin the taste. But in this case, it is not necessary to throw away food - a cooked dinner or lunch can still be saved.

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It is a mistake to think that it is enough to dilute salted soup with water and that's it. This is not at all the case - the water will simply spoil the taste of the dish.

It is better to use other methods to neutralize salt. For example, the easiest option is to add some unsalted broth. If it is not there, take some buckwheat or rice, rinse thoroughly, transfer to a gauze bag and boil a little.

This method will solve two problems:

  • remove excess salt;
  • prepare a side dish (it will be even tastier with broth).

Sugar does well. Take two slices, put in a spoon and dip into the soup. When the sugar dissolves, taste the platter and repeat the "rescue" again if necessary. If you are afraid to make the dish sweet, take 1-2 croutons.


After salting boiled vegetables, it is enough to pour them with a small amount of clean water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. This method has only one drawback - this treatment will make the dish less useful.

If the problem is with stew, then you can solve the issue with a large amount of salt by adding 1-2 tomatoes: they need to be finely chopped, added to the dish and stewed for a couple of minutes.

You can fix an oversalted stew by adding some tomatoes. (Photo:
You can fix an oversalted stew by adding some tomatoes. (Photo:

When oversalting the salad, it is enough to rinse fresh vegetables with water or, if it is already seasoned, add a serving of tomatoes, a little sauce.

When it comes to fried mushrooms, it is enough to add a little flour or onion, dressing with water and lemon juice, sour cream sauce. This will make the dish even tastier and more satisfying.

Meat, fish and poultry

If, when stewing meat, you added a little more salt than needed, it is enough to add either a couple of tomatoes, if it suits your taste, or herbs.

When you need to solve the problem with fried meat or fish, it is advisable to prepare a delicious sour cream sauce, which will relieve salt and make the dish more juicy:

  • take sour cream, pour into a deep bowl;
  • lower the meat for 15 minutes to marinate;
  • heat everything in a water bath.

If you cook poultry, dip it in the milk so that it picks up excess salt. In general, you can just make a warm salad from it, which will be an excellent option for lunch or dinner.

When the minced meat is salted, add boiled rice, grated carrots or zucchini to it: with their help, you will not only neutralize the salt, but also make the minced meat more juicy and tender.

 Just add a little onion to the minced meat (Photo:
Just add a little onion to the minced meat (Photo:

And when preparing a side dish for salted fish or meat, simply do not use seasonings: a little unleavened rice, buckwheat, vegetables will help balance the taste.

Pasta and cereals

If you have gone too far with salt when cooking pasta, cereals, it is enough to drain the liquid, pour in hot and unsalted water, put on the stove, bring to a boil and boil for a few minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it, because otherwise the side dish will turn out to be tasteless.


  • when cooking pilaf, add a little already boiled rice;
  • if you want to treat your household to navy-style pasta, you can remove the salinity with fresh tomatoes or pasta.

And if you don't feel like doing anything, just rub the cheese on top or serve the dish with a glass of dry white wine.

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