I decided to share with you simple guidelines about what kind of diet is recommended after removal of the gallbladder.
Diet after gallbladder removal

Quite often we are forced to change their eating habits due to a sharp deterioration in health.
Diet after gallbladder removal is a recognized necessity for anyone who has suffered such an operation.
This is due to the fact that the digestive system is not one of the bodies will not be able to work in the same way as before.
Proper nutrition will not overload the body.
Unlike other systems, it is calculated on a diet, this diet is not a specific length: it must comply with all life.
The essence of the diet after a gall bladder operation
The principle of this food regime is to prevent stagnation of bile in the ducts, which have no place to gather after the removal of the bladder.
To achieve this, you need to eat 5 - 6 times a day, and at regular intervals, but always in small portions, which are easier to digest and does not cause heaviness in the stomach.
Also after the operation will have to almost completely abandon any animal fats: they actively participated splitting bile.
Without bubble, it becomes more dense and viscous, it decreases the amount of enzymes, so with lamb, pork, lard body just can not cope.
Very important is the temperature of the food intake. Too cold dish can provoke spasms in the biliary tract, so that with these dishes should be extremely cautious.
Diet after gallbladder removal does not include fried foods.
Ideally, you need to cook steamed, boiled or stew dishes.
Spices, concentrated broths, smoked, spicy seasonings is also too "heavy" for the digestive system, so you need to give them up.
Forbidden foods in the diet
From their daily menu to exclude many of the products that the body can not properly digest without the help of a remote organ.
Refusal to allow them to maintain excellent health and save health.
Prohibited foods in the diet include:
- Marinades;
- Smoked;
- Pickles;
- The sharp spices and seasonings;
- Fish, meat, canned vegetables;
- Concentrated broths;
- Spices;
- Alcohol;
- Garlic;
- Fatty meats, any sausages, semi-finished products;
- Cakes, pastries;
- beef, lamb or pork fat;
- duck, goose, pork, beef;
- Cocoa and all products from it (including chocolate).
Recommended for diet products
Staple food after surgery should be the following products:
- Lean meats (veal, beef, chicken, rabbit);
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Vegetable oil;
- Kashi;
- Juices;
- Eggs;
- Fish.
Meals after gallbladder removal
Total caloric intake should not be too low: the optimum value from 2000 to 3000 kcal.
The food should be cooked thoroughly, so that it was not a bad boil (this applies to meat, fish or eggs, and some vegetables).
To the table should be served warm, but not hot or cold as not to cause spasms in the biliary tract.
Estimated diet menus
diet options can be combined at will to power was the most diverse and balanced, and does not cause negative emotions.
In the example given the menu a few dishes for each meal, to choose from.
Immediately after waking up:
- Warm tea (not strong);
- Heated compote.
- Vegetable salad;
- Oatmeal;
- Mashed potatoes or boiled potatoes;
- The vinaigrette;
- Boiled meat or fish;
- The protein omelet for a couple.
You can drink milk, tea or chilled juice.
- Vegetable salad;
- The vinaigrette;
- Vegetable soup;
- borsch without meat;
- Fish, milk, fruit soup;
- Soup with meatballs;
- boiled, stewed meat with vegetable garnish.
You can drink juice, juice, tea.
- Yogurt;
- Sour;
- Milk;
- Kissel.
- Curd pudding or casserole;
- The protein omelet with herbs for a couple.
Before bedtime:
- Compote;
- Yogurt;
- Sour;
- Fruit.
Diet after gallbladder removal should be selected physician in the light of all related patient conditions, its individual characteristics, age and other factors.
Be sure to follow the recommendations of the expert.
Take care of yourself!
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