Lose weight by 20 kg for the New Year does not promise. But tasty, nourishing a healthy way to lose weight


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Greetings to all dieters who looked into my blog.

Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg (with the growth of 173 cm), sharing recipes and experiences.
As I was able to get rid of the moment57kg.

You know, after the weekend (in which I was the day of loading (to celebrate the birthday of her father) and I ate everything, not counting calories, but within reasonable limits) so nice to come back to normal your diet. Feeling of lightness, which I have long been accustomed.

Breakfast - eggs of two eggs fried in non-stick frying pan without oil and Zhitnyaya sandwich on whole wheat bread (30 g) with butter (less than 5 g) and calf (20 g). Without green tea my breakfast never complete.

Just happened to breakfast 370 kcal.

I continue to drink the omega-3 and vitamin D. In the new year will begin again the course of complex vitamins.

By the way, about the eggs. I'm told that was taking on a sample in the magnet of a jar of caviar stocks and absolutely did not like us.

But there were reviews that someone bought quite a decent spawn. And her father recently told us that bought the shares on 2 different jars - one was awful, and the second is even nothing.

I listened and bought another jar, another manufacturer, is also on the shares. I do not know, probably I was just unlucky. I'm not fussy, but I would have guests on holiday table does not become a feeding.

Probably just unlucky I am.

During operation the computer drank green tea with 20 g of 75% dark chocolate and mandarin (140 g).

The result undershot on 155 kcal.

In addition, during the day (in the first half), I ate 20 grams of cashew nuts - 130 cal.

For lunch, it distracted from work and quickly cooked cheese soup - a minimum of time, but how delicious! Now for a couple of days lunch provided.

For dinner plate sura cheese (450g) - 270 kcal.

For dinner I had fish fried in a nonstick frying pan with a bow and carrot salad (roasted with the addition of a drop of olive oil) and mashed green peas with mint.

160 g and 170 g of fish puree turned dinner for 350 kcal.

Total for the day I got in 1275 kcal. Actively drinking water, deduce the excess fluid that has accumulated over the weekend, when I drank a little water.

I would like to show off your very own flowers and charge you with positive emotions. After all, flowers - it's just a positive and fun!

Look a flower bloomed in my New Year. And the most attentive and can see Christmas trees in our yard)).

I love orchids, they are unpretentious and bloom almost all year round, not me - probably affects our air, we are living almost in a pine forest.

And there are among you, lovers of orchids? Shows us its beauties!)


Today, let me remind you videoretsepty chicken meatballs with cheese and tender apple-cheese fritters:
Cheese soup recipe you will find here.
Cheese cake recipe, a wonderful hearty and delicious breakfast you will find here.
Recipe tenderest baked cheesecakes - here.
Recipe cottage cheese and mushroom pate you will find here.
Recipe chicken cakes stuffed with vegetables - here.
Recipe for potato tubes in pita bread - hearty and tasty - here.
Recipe bulgur with vegetables - here.
Highlights for beginners to lose weight I have collected - here.
Minus 57 kg in May 2018.
Minus 57 kg in May 2018.
Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
Do not spare the likes, support me!
I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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