Greetings to all dieters who looked into my blog.
Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg (with the growth of 173 cm), sharing recipes and experiences.
As I was able to get rid of the moment50kg.
My friends! You have not lost me yesterday? I think no. Great weather, the weekend - I hope you have them carried out as well as I do.
And on Saturday, we have treated themselves to an unplanned picnic. This was great weather that just wanted to spend the whole day in the fresh air.
Therefore, the audience that it was the house, grabbed a bottle of Crimean wine, recently brought to us as the goodies from the Crimea and ran into the fresh air!
On vacation remade almost all cases, that planned and is now trying to get plenty of rest and relax. On it and leave, right?
Even if frequent picnics little suspend process of losing weight - it does not matter. End holidays and new forces into battle.
The following is a small photo report with picnic - baked potatoes, salad, cheese suluguni and chicken cooked in foil on the coals. Calories do not count - that is what vacation to rest from everything. But all that the photo fits perfectly in about a proper diet (except for a bottle of wine that was left over).
I recently read the recommendations of a nutritionist. So he advised those who for a long time loses weight on a calorie deficit (from six months and more) is interrupted for a month or two and maintain its standard. And then again switch to a calorie deficit for some time.
Such breaks allow the body to rebuild and gain strength.
I do not know whether I will accept that advice, but he seems to me not devoid of common sense.
What do you think? Do I need these breaks for the body?
And I'm still here rest on such days and outings with me enough of them, all the more so in recent times these days I often. But this is still good weather, plus vacation.
Next time, my health will, to take advice or not. Yet a half years on a calorie deficit - a considerable period of time.
On Sunday, I went back to counting calories.
For breakfast I had a sandwich on whole-wheat bread (45 g) cheese suluguni (35 g) and the cake!!!
Thank you to Catherine, she decided on her advice to try a cake of corn, rice cakes with soft cheese and a banana. I did not even use any sweetener, I had the sweetness of the banana layer.
Cake only 250 calories and a sandwich 160 calories.
Breakfast is turned on 410 kcal.
Today, again doing nothing, watching the show and rest.
At the snack I measured myself 25 g peanuts - 140 kcal.
And all day with tea, I ate 30 grams of dates- 80 kcal.
Recently I asked a question in the comments about the cabbage soup and borscht. And I thought that really have not cook borscht, but love him very much. Not cook often, because the cabbage is my body's not friendly and you have to replace it with a Chinese cabbage, and we have it fresh and not "beaten life" hard to buy for.
But recently I was lucky and I bought a Chinese cabbage. So for dinner we will have a soup!
So I miss your borscht that ate as much as 500 grams of borscht with sour cream 35 g of 10% and 40 g of whole-wheat bread home.
Lunch turned on 300 kcal.
It should be noted that all of my happy to eat this soup, even though it okoloPP.
After yesterday's picnic remains a little chicken, which I warmed in the oven. And I get my dinner chicken breast (180 g) and vegetable salad (100g tomato, cucumber 80 g), filled with 5 g of olive oil.
I went to dinner 340 kcal.
Day also pulled 1270 kcal. I drank lots of water and green tea.
After dinner walked on forest paths, fresh pine air breathed.
By tradition, the end of this article I want to give you some links to recipes. All recipes are cooked me any time. Tasty and with excellent KBZHU, perfectly fit into your calorie deficit!)
Recipe proper bread for slimming, tasty and fragrant - here.
What to put on the right hlebushek to get the right sandwich? Of course the chicken pastrami. Recipe pastrami - here.
Recipe funky cottage cheese and apple strudel - here.
Have you tried burgers with cheese? Very tasty, juicy, and you certainly want them to cook even a single time. recipe - here.
Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!