Or may not be in the banana diet slimming


Photo source - Yandex. Images.
Photo source - Yandex. Images.

Banana - one of the available, inexpensive, and certainly delicious fruits. I have not met anyone who's straight categorically does not like bananas.

But whether for weight loss eat bananas - is still one the most contentious issues in nutrition. Someone strictly exclude bananas from the diet slimming person, and someone even offers a banana diet.

Banana - a storehouse of minerals and vitamins that are needed by the body on a daily basis:

  • Potassium is an essential mineral that is responsible for teeth, muscular system and heart;
  • Magnesium helps to assimilate calcium and potassium, essential for human vascular tone;
  • Sodium maintains water and electrolyte balance;
  • Vitamin A, supports youth and elasticity of our skin;
  • Vitamin C, supporting the immune system;
  • Vitamins B, one of the most important vitamin for our body.

Rejecting the bananas, we lose not only a tasty product, but also give up a large number of useful elements, which can be obtained by adding bananas to your diet.

Photo source - Yandex. Images.
Photo source - Yandex. Images.

How do the bananas on your body?


  • normalize hormones;
  • accelerate metabolism;
  • improve the functioning of the stomach;
  • outputted excess fluid from the body;
  • calming effect on the nervous system, reducing the production of cortisol (a stress hormone) - which, incidentally, is one of the culprits of weight gain;
  • It gives energy to the body, including for physical exercise, and help muscles recover faster after exercise;
  • provide long-term satiation;
  • pleasant taste and sweetness of the banana help avoid disruption and interrupt a craving for sweets.

We must remember that mature (yellow) and green fruits are distinguished by their action on our body.

Yellow and soft bananas - a lot of sugar and a huge charge of energy. It is better to use in the 1st half of the day.

green bananas - contain resistant starch (resistant to digestive juices), which facilitates the normal operation of the intestine and its purification. But in the morning to eat green bananas is not recommended.

Photo source - Yandex. Images.
Photo source - Yandex. Images.

Banana contains, on average, about 100 calories per 100 grams and it's quite a bit, so to include it in the diet can be.

Another thing to eat at what time.

For example, I decided to use a banana as a snack in one afternoon. This snack is good nourishes, lifts the mood and gives energy that I do have time to rework the evening.
In addition, I add a banana desserts and cereal in the morning, to diversify their taste.
And oatmeal cookies on banane..mmm.. just vkusnuypirogek!

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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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