I add to stewed cabbage and even sauerkraut. My favorite recipe


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I want to tell you how I cook a tasty stew of cabbage and meat. I have one culinary technique by which the dish turns out even tastier. So I tell all about it.


Onions (1 pc) cut into small cubes and fried in vegetable oil a few minutes. Then add the meat, I love braised cabbage with beef, it turns out I think tastes best, but can be any. Meat need about 200 grams, well, or more if you like.

Salt, add black pepper and fry for a few minutes. Then put 300-400 g of fresh cabbage, chopped straw. Pour a little water and simmer, covered for 15 minutes.

Then add 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste, and put my secret ingredient - sauerkraut, approximately 100-150 g. I draw your attention: the cabbage should be just pickled, not pickled, otherwise the taste will be different.

In sauerkraut I had to eat carrots, so alone I did not add. It is thanks to sauerkraut taste turns out better and more interesting.

We topped up with a little water, cover with a lid and simmer until cooked (soft) cabbage. Serve with greens. Bon appetit, my dear!

See also: How do I make sauerkraut. Crispy and tasty

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