Bulk delicious pie "Three glasses" with apples and cheese


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Hello! Today, I am preparing a delicious bulk pie with apples and cheese... I have already laid out a similar recipe to a different channel at the beginning of this year, but it was then cooked exclusively with apples, and in other proportions. Since then, time to make some changes to the original recipe, which is "fit" for themselves. According to the recipe for dough preparation requires 3 cups of different ingredients - but the pie with the "amount", it is better to prepare in the form of a diameter of 18-20 cm, while the cake to get a high. I have the smallest form, with a diameter of 23 cm - for ingredients of this size to double. Tried to add in the "dough" coconut, and raisins to apples - and I will say this - it is tasty, but individually, or coconut or raisins. Otherwise, it turns out too many different flavor combinations for once. At this time, I make a double layer - apples and cottage cheese. And again I repeat - it is very tasty!!! And the perfect flavor combination!

Ingredients for cooking:

Cooking "friable dough"... Pour all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well, so they were distributed evenly among themselves. And it's all... "Loose dough" is ready!

Now cook the curd layer... We take absolutely any cheese, put in a bowl, add the sugar, the egg and rub... Fork tolkushkoy, immersion blender. For the apple layer apples need to peel and grate, I prefer to do this is already a campaign of cake build - cleanse and immediately rubbed, so the apples do not have time to darken. You can prepare the apples at once.

Begin to "collect" the pie... There immediately determine how many layers of layer you will - three four five... Determined? Now divide the dough is dry (it's all you can do visually "by eye", or distribute for individual cups) to one part of larger number of layers. Then take the form of a baking (or better to take silicone split mold), the bottom blanketed parchment paper and grease butter (bottom side). Pour a first layer of "dry test" uniformly distribute.

Then spread a layer of grated apples - you You can start with a cheese filling.

Further back there is a layer of "dry test" and is another layer. And thus collect a cake to the end, the final layer is a "dry test".

Now we take the butter and rub it on a grater, on top of the cake, spread evenly over the entire surface.

Ship shape with a pie (not yet baked) in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, and bake somewhere 40 minutes. The result is not just a pie - and downright cake! Very gentle, moderately sweet, and endlessly delicious!

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