Grandma's recipe for a thick strawberry jam. Berry to Berry


I want to suggest an old recipe of my grandmother for strawberry jam. It is obtained from the whole beautiful berries and stored without refrigeration until the next summer.

I've heard a lot of controversy and met a large number of recipesWhere people say confidently that add half the sugar, and thus preserves well kept through the winter. My grandmother even 1: 1 did not come immediately, because before added to 1 kg of strawberries 1.2 kg of sugar, or even a half. Jam cooked so that the place in the refrigerator to hold and store it in the ordinary conditions at room temperature. From her I got another recipestrawberry jam for tea, the current "Five-minute".

Of course everyone has different tastes. I believe that jam should be thick and sweet, and it replaces the sugar is dessert for tea.

1 kg of sugar
1 kg of strawberry
citric acid 2 g

Recipe for the perfect strawberry jam

Just want to say that this jam is time consuming, but the bulk of that time - wait, that can ipolzovat to at will, or to preparation of other dishesSo long as you are still in the kitchen.

Strawberries sort, wash and dry a little, excess moisture is not needed.

Pour in about half of the strawberries sugar.

Leave her alone for three hours, it should give the juice.

After 3 hours to drain the juice. Add the remaining half of the sugar.

On a small heat cook the sugar syrup.

Pour berries with sugar syrup and boil for 5 minutes.

Leave the berries for at least three hours to berries soaked in syrup.

Then boil for 5 minutes, and again leave the berries for three hours or more.

Repeat this procedure three to six times.

The longer breaks, the more elastic will be berries.

The less you'll be out of stir, the more beautiful will form berries.

The last time the need to add citric acid, diluted with water 1: 1 and boil for 15 minutes.

Pour into hot sterilized jars of jam, to close and leave to cool.

Who used to pour the cooled already jam, make their own way.

Details and nuances of the preparation, see the video clip.


I wish you bon appetit!

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Write in the comments if you also have old grandmother's recipesI will be very interesting.

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