After hungry diets that did not help, I came to a tasty and satisfying weight loss. Minus 63 kg in 2 years.


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Good day to you, great mood and easy working week.

And don't forget about our health. Lose weight deliciously, eating balanced and not starving!

Do you know all about diets? Can you list a few dozen diets that you have tried throughout your life?

Have you ever wondered why this is so? Why is it necessary to go on a diet over and over again?

Because the weight comes back as soon as we get out of the diet and return to our normal diet.

If our usual diet constantly leads to weight gain, then it is in it and no diets will save us. All our lives we will look for another diet to lose weight, and then eat it again until we understand that it is necessary to change our attitude to food.

Changing eating habits and attitudes towards food, changing your lifestyle is what will allow you to lose weight and maintain the result.

Only constant control of nutrition can give us harmony and health.

Miracles do not happen - only work on yourself gives a result.

After a vicious circle of diets and weight gain, calorie counting helped me change my diet. Now I understand how much food I need in order not to gain weight, as well as what food I need to eat in order to balance the diet.

I'll tell you about my day and the menu for today.

On Monday, I had a couple of hours devoted to beauty. So I got up early in the morning so that I could work after breakfast.

I didn't get too smart with breakfast - I quickly made sandwiches on Darnitsk bread (55 g) with avocado (35 g) and fish paste (60 g).

I washed down the sandwiches with green tea.

It turned out breakfast for 375 kcal.

I had breakfast and went straight to the computer. I don’t want to work late, when everyone’s already at home, it’s better to get up early and do all the urgent things.

I ran for beauty, on the way back I bought fresh cottage cheese and yogurt. When there is no cottage cheese in the house, I feel uncomfortable😂. I'm kidding, of course, but I always have to have cottage cheese in the fridge. But before I could not stand cottage cheese and did not understand how you can eat it in its pure form.

I ran home and was already very hungry. Having adjusted the diet, I taught my stomach that food comes in at a certain time. And if there is no food, the stomach is already rebelling.

It's good that there were zucchini at home under a cap of soft cottage cheese and cheese. She warmed 165 g of zucchini and then ate 20 g of fruit marshmallow with green tea.

The snack came out on 205 kcal.

I had a snack and immediately got to work - I lost 2 hours, I have to catch up. One good thing is that you don't need to cook either lunch or dinner today - everything was prepared yesterday for a few days.

Lunch - a plate of pickle (460 g) with 35 g of sour cream - 230 kcal.

And after lunch I drank tea with another fruit marshmallow - 50 kcal.

As I wanted, closer to dinner I figured out all the working moments and even managed to quickly send a curd-peach roll in pita bread to the oven. And I will delight my own with a delicious tea, and I myself can eat a piece. By calculations, I have free calories for the evening.

Dinner - 200 g of turkey thighs, stewed in onion sauce, 120 g of boiled pasta and 50 g of cherry.

Dinner for 390 kcal.

Since we have dinner at 17 o'clock due to my husband's work schedule (we get up early, we go to bed early too), later, later, I ate 100 g of curd roll and drank green tea - 155 kcal.

The only rule is the last meal 3 hours before bedtime.

The rule "do not eat carbohydrates at night and leave them in the first half of the day" - I have not followed for a long time, and besides the fact that I have become more comfortable - nothing has changed in terms of weight loss.

As a result, in a day it turned out 1405 kcal. B - 75, F - 60, U - 136. I do not forget about the rate of water and physical education.

I offer you a small game for those who have been with me for a long time, but I think it will be interesting for the new ones.

I will name 7 facts about myself, of which one will be a lie. Can you guess which one is false?

1️⃣ While studying at the institute, I painted and sold pictures to ensure myself the opportunity to dress well and save up for a vacation at sea.

2️⃣ She loved to be photographed no more than a year ago.

3️⃣ I never loved Moscow and did not want to live in Moscow.

4️⃣I wanted to become a hairdresser, but went to study to be a lawyer.

5️⃣ I worked for 9 years in the civil service and left it with great pleasure.

6️⃣ She graduated from the courses of cooks in Moscow.

7 “Met my husband when I weighed at least 90 kg - not the thinnest woman in the world”.

And let me remind you once again that I am waiting for a photo of those who want to take part in the "acquaintance" flash mob proposed by you. I plan to publish it tomorrow morning, which means that everyone has time until evening.

Girls just send their photos for dating, and someone else with the results "before" and "after". Are there any more bold ones?


Video recipe for meat stewed in onion sauce:
📌Cribfor beginners to lose weight on a calorie deficit - I tell you where to start.
❗❗❗Cataloglinks to recipes.
Skin carewhen losing weight.
Learningcount the calorie content of the finished dish.
👍 TOPbreakfast, TOPsnacks.👍 TOPdinners, TOPdinners.
Recipe for chicken pie with cabbage and mushrooms.
Recipe for meat nests with different fillings.
Chocolate cake recipe in 5 minutes.

I just share my experience of losing weight, talk about my menu, life, share photos of walks in beautiful places. I do not advise anything and to anyone, always seek advice from specialists.

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