Hello, my name is Oksana! I am glad to welcome everyone who has looked at my page. I hope the recipes I published will be interesting and useful for you - read, write comments, and of course, subscribe!
Several years ago, in some culinary brochure I came across a recipe for "Fried" rice for a side dish, which I tried then. And, since then, rice for a side dish, I cook this way.
A completely hassle-free recipe, no need to monitor the water - it will run away or not. And rice always turns out grain by grain - no porridge! And thanks to one single spice / spice it becomes "sunny"!
Try this recipe for rice and see for yourself.
Cooking ingredients:
Parboiled rice - 1 glass, or more
Garlic - 3-5 teeth.
Vegetable oil - 30 ml
Salt, black pepper, spices - to taste
AND, necessarily, turmeric
To prepare such a side dish i use parboiled rice. Regular long-grain rice also works well, but all round is not good.
As always, we wash the rice in cold water (it seems like this is correct), then pour it into a colander or sieve and let it drain.
Only this without much fanaticism ... No need to wait for the rice to dry completely!While the water is dripping from the rice, peel the garlic and cut into slices - not too thin.
Next, pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up. And then put the garlic slices. Do not fry for a long time - at first the garlic will become transparent, then a slight blush will appear - It's enough! We take out the garlic from the oil - he gave all the scents!
Put the prepared rice in the pan, mix. Fry for just a couple of minutes, the rice should absorb the oil.
Add salt, ground pepper, some spices (if you wish) and necessarily a teaspoon of turmeric. Of course, if you do not have this spice, then, and nothing, do not put... But, without turmeric, rice will be ordinary - white or cloudy gray. And turmeric will give a bright "sunny" color, rice will be much more attractive.
Pour in hot water so that it covers the rice by 2 cm, stir. Close the pan with a lid and cook over low heat until tender.
Depending on the functionality of your stove and on the type of rice itself, the cooking time will depend. I have rice ready in 15 minutes! Cook, taste, Bon appetit!
Sincerely, Oksana!