How to treat osteoporosis at any age folk remedies?


These recipes are simple, affordable and according to reviews, is very effective.

People's treatment of osteoporosis consists of a set of recipes that fit quite well with the official pharmacological therapy.
In order to strengthen bones and better absorption of calcium, the following folk remedies for treatment of osteoporosis:

Eggshell, mummy, kelp, honey, propolis;
Herbs - comfrey, cinquefoil, knotweed, horsetail, birch buds, dandelion root, sweet flag, and others.

In the home treatment of osteoporosis includes such procedures as the internal use of medicinal concoctions and mixtures, the imposition of local compresses, ointments and adoption warming baths.

Treatment of osteoporosis in women

Assigning the correct treatment and to achieve effective results in the treatment will be achieved only when a detailed diagnosis of the causes that provoke the disease in women.

The use of drugs and additional osteoporosis treatment home remedies must be accompanied by rejection of harmful habits, an active lifestyle and proper diet, the emphasis which should be given to products and calcium-containing foods, including vitamin D.

Treatment of osteoporosis in the elderly

Osteoporosis in the elderly is rarely detected at an early stage and therefore the process of his treatment is rather complicated.
When diagnosing diseases of the therapeutic course is aimed at reducing pain, slowing bone loss and normalization of bone turnover.

Treatment of osteoporosis home for the elderly combines massage, physiotherapy, analgesics, non-steroidal drugs, corsets (if necessary), a balanced diet and the available national means of external and internal application.

Traditional recipes from osteoporosis

Prior to use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

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Recipe based on lemon and egg

Lemon juice promotes better absorption of calcium

Take a deep plate and break it six raw eggs, but the shells do not dispose of them, and leave on the plate.
After that, take ten medium-sized lemons and squeeze the juice out of them in a bowl on the broken eggs.
After that, cover the bowl with a clean cloth, clean in a dark place and leave it there for as long as lemon juice does not dissolve the eggs with shells.
Then, pour the whole liter jar, add to the same 300 grams of honey, and 150 grams of brandy and stir the resulting mixture.

This medicine should be stored in the dark.
Take the same it has to be one dessert spoon per day after meals.
More efficiency with moderate osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis save... red wine!

This recipe is especially useful for those who have osteoporosis manifests itself in a particular area of ​​the body - as has already happened fracture or pain.
Take 30 grams of red sweet wines, the best - Cahors, a little warm up and start his neat circular motion to rub the liquid in the affected area.

Therapy area wrap paper, and the top cover with a bandage and warm down with a handkerchief. Leave for 2 hours.

Repeat these procedures should be twice a week (but not more) for one month.

Poultice of sweet clover and daisies

Take 100 grams of fresh grass clover and chamomile and fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for three days.
Compresses do every day or every other day.

Compress on birch buds

Take two hundred grams of fresh birch buds and fill them with 0.5 L of vodka, then leave to infuse in a dark place for a week.

Use tincture obtained in the form of compresses, the treatment according to compress should be 30 days.

Infusion of St. John's wort

Decoction of St. John's wort - a good folk remedy for osteoporosis. Boil the grass at the rate of one tablespoon of dry Hypericum in a glass of boiling water.
Leave the decoction to infuse for about forty minutes.
After the strain and take three tablespoons a day. You can add a little honey or lemon.

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