I called my father, and he tells me that the cashier in Pyaterochka is cheating on him. It would seem a trifle, but still there was a sediment on my soul.
He's so gullible. Believes in all promotions and discounts, buys products at yellow price tags. Always goes to Pyaterochka near the house. It's so convenient for him, he runs after work to buy everything he needs.
When a savings card appeared in Pyaterochka, he was very happy and began to pay for purchases with it and collect points. And since he bought groceries only in Pyaterochka, points accumulated quickly.
When he got more than 1000 points, he asked the cashier to write them off for the purchase. He's a fan of saving money, and thus he saved a little money.
He recently noticed that after the next purchase, the points on the card began to decrease, and not increase as they should. He did not ask them to write off.
And it dawned on him that only one cashier had lost points. When paying, she asked for a funded card, picked it up, and then the points became less. What she did there with the map is not clear.
I think that cashier cheated and threw points somewhere else. Otherwise, why did you get fewer points?
And how many buyers with such "Proceedings" passed through it per day.
So you can make money and pay for your purchases.
My father is not a scandalous man and just no longer goes to punch to that cashier. By the way, now the points on his card have started to accumulate again. Here's what the whole joke is.
Perhaps it's not the cashier, but the bonus program itself. I tell my father, throw away this card and don't bother yourself. All these cards are one lie, but a deception.
I also had such a savings card. I noticed that because of her I began to go only to the Five, and spend more money on purchases.
Then I stopped buying anything at all in this store and do not regret it at all. Now I go to ordinary small shops and to the market. And I gave the card to the youngest child, I say, for my son, play in the store.
- Faced in "Magnet" with a false deception, which you cannot dig up, like cashiers bred pensioners and inattentive for money
- A friend told why she always kept a wet rag at the checkout when she worked at Pyaterochka
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