Benefits and harms human health PINEAPPLE


What kind of fruit pineapple? How to grow, how to choose and what to cook more on ...

Christopher Columbus was the first who brought the pineapple to Europe from his distant voyage across the ocean. This extraordinarily beautiful fruit, bizarre originally from Brazil.

How much do we know about him? In this article I want to share some interesting facts: where and how to grow pineapple, benefit and harm for the human body, how to choose a ripe, how to cut and that then prepared from this wonderful fruit.

Benefits and harms of pineapple

The pineapple can be said to fit whole pharmacy! Yes, there are concentrated in a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and essential trace elements for our body. I would say more, the vitamin C content in pineapple exceeds the content of this vitamin in the lemon. And since this thermophilic fruit by 86% of water, it is excellent in heat thirst quenching. Once all of these beneficial properties are fresh pineapple, canned pineapple here with nothing to do.

A few words about the benefits of pineapple:

  • a dietary product containing 100 grams of about 50 kilocalories;
  • it possesses anti-inflammatory properties;
  • strengthens and protects the immune system;
  • lowers arterial blood pressure;
  • It prevents the formation of thrombosis;
  • It is prophylactic against myocardial infarction and stroke, cardiovascular diseases;
  • It prevents the formation of deposits of cholesterol, effectively cleans them vascular wall;
  • It has an analgesic effect;
  • promotes nervous system;
  • It prevents the development of metastasis in cancer patients;
  • a positive effect on digestion;
  • successfully fighting hunger;
  • It prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • It stops inflammation, favors wound healing;
  • It promotes rejuvenation of the body.

However, it can not be attributed to pineapple innocuous products. Along with a huge advantage, he is able to apply a harmful and.

  • Since a part of a lot of pineapple acids, they can cause stomach irritation, or rather its mucosa. This should take note of those with increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis or ulcer.
  • For the same reason to fear and tooth enamel. Every time he had tasted pineapple, will not be superfluous to rinse the mouth.
  • In addition, children under 6 years old, stands diluted pineapple juice with water.
  • Immature, spoiled fruit have an abortive agent. It is necessary to remember every pregnant woman.
  • Pineapple - a strong allergen. Therefore, many people attend an individual intolerance of the fruit.

Summarizing the above, I wish to remind that every meal should be balanced, should observe in all sense of proportion. This rule works in relation to the pineapple.

How to grow pineapple

Perhaps many are that pineapples grow on the palms or on the trees, but it is not. Pineapple plant is more like a shrub, reaching a height of about 1.5 meters long with sharp leaves. The fruits ripen on the strong leg in the central part of the plant.

In order to grow exotic directly on the window sill, you must be patient, careful and follow all the steps described below.

Stage 1: Choose a pineapple.
Select should be ripe pineapple. Inspect the leaves skeptical. In our case, they should be rich green color. Not yellow, not brown, not damaged, not primorozhennye. In doubt - buy 2 of the fetus, but in different places, so the chances of growing increase.

Stage 2: prepare the elite.
We need to remove (or rather to unscrew) stem. To do this, firmly grasp all the leaves at the base, and gently and slowly but surely turn. Movement similar to as if you unscrew the lid on the bottle.

It may be difficult, if not ripe pineapple, then help yourself with a sharp knife. Cut the leaves together with the spine, making cuts at an angle of 45 degrees. If the pulp remains on the stem, get rid of it, otherwise the stem will begin to rot. Remove the pair of lower plates, so there will continue to be rooted.

Stage 3: the formation of roots.
Pour into a glass of water and put our preform so that the exposed barrel was immersed in water for a couple of centimeters. Put the glass on a window sill. Periodically change the water and make sure that the stem was always in the water. Somewhere in 3 weeks due to release a pineapple roots. Wait until they become more and then can be planted in the ground.

And yet, a sign that the plant is stuck - not having roots, and fresh green leaves. Rooting process will take approximately 6-8 weeks. If after 2 months for signs of life do not come, think of re-planting.

Remember, pineapple likes moisture, but it can not fill. It should be in a well lit place, but not in direct sunlight.

How to choose a ripe pineapple

Many people ask: how to choose a delicious ripe pineapple? To do this, you need only remember a few simple rules:

  • Sniff! At the ripe fruit smell should be unobtrusive, sweet and easy. Lack of odor indicates that the pineapple is ripe to end, and pineapple with a strongly pronounced smell may be overripe.
  • Inspect! Good pineapple is not damaged. The color can vary from green to yellow, depending on the variety. In this case, the color should be uniform, no darkened spots, streaks or greenish tops.
  • Push down with your finger! The rind should be elastic and springy.
  • Consider a crown of leaves! If they are green, and the edges are slightly dried up - it speaks of fruit maturity.
  • Tap a hand! impact sound must be deaf.

How to cut a pineapple

With a sharp knife cut away the base of pineapple, thereby attach it stability. Next, cut away the top layer (about 3.2 mm), while moving downwards. Keep the fruit of the leaves - it's more convenient. In the pulp may remain black dots, they can then be cut in the same manner as in the potato cleaning.

Do not forget that there are still tough pineapple core. You can get rid of it, cutting the peeled fruit lengthwise into 4 pieces, and then cut out the core.

What to cook with pineapple

Pineapple has long been a familiar ingredient in various dishes around the world. Many familiar taste of the salad with pineapple and chicken. In our family, for example, are very fond of roasted pork with pineapple. And yet this fruit, grilled or baked in the oven, will be an excellent dessert. In addition to being a low-calorie Pineapple, he is also improves digestion. Also because it is prepared side dishes, jams and preserves, served with champagne, make pineapple puree, add in cereals, and more.

You can fry the slices of pineapple in syrup, add to ice cream or make a smoothie. Many eat candied pineapple. I would like to dwell on this subject in more detail.

Candied pineapple benefits and harms

Candied pineapple slices are pulp of the fruit, in the boiled sugar syrup, and then dried. Candied incredibly sweet. Color can be the most different, as in the preparation of dyes are often added. Natural same product has a pale yellow color.

Properly cooked candied fruit (fresh and ripe pineapple!) Retain a significant proportion of useful minerals. As are the pineapple, candied fruit has many useful properties, namely:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excrete harmful substances, poisons, and toxins;
  • eliminate puffiness;
  • the sensation of hunger;
  • improve mood.

Yet there are also negative aspects to such a sweet product.

  • Due to the fact that the sugared syrup digested, they are characterized by high-calorie (91 calories per 100 g product). But compared with orange candied (301 kcal) or candied melons, papaya (319 kcal), this value is much lower.
  • The use of candied fruit can hurt people with diseases of the stomach (ulcer, gastritis), diabetes, or individual intolerance of the product.
  • And, of course, not to mention the slim figure. After all, if you stick to your diet, watch out for each eaten a piece, and to stand before the bright sweet and fragrant candied pineapple - not an easy task.

Thus, the best and most useful to eat fresh pineapple. The candied fruit, natural (without dyes), also saved a lot of nutrients, but they should be avoided by people watching their weight and blood sugar levels. Canned pineapple is only a tasty product and nothing more.

Remember a few simple rules, how to choose a ripe pineapple, as it is to cut and enjoy this wonderful fruit!

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