Wine "Isabella" was named because of the eponymous red grape varieties, which are grown by many of our compatriots.
Despite the fact that professional winemakers negative comments about this grape, subject to the production technology of it, you can get a good house wine with sour taste. By adding this flaw is easily corrected sugar.
Grade "Isabella" refers to the dining room and technical grades. These grapes are usually not used in fresh form, it is made into juice or wine. "Isabella" is widespread in Russia due to frost and good yields in humid climates.
Compared with other varieties of "Isabella" it ripens late, so the wine is made in the fall of his own collected fruits.
Closer to winter, you can enjoy a delicious dessert wine domestic production.
So, let's begin.
Recipe Wine "Isabella" at home
Ingredients and supplies:
• Grapes - 15 kg;
• sugar - 100-200 grams per liter of juice;
• tanks for fermentation;
• water seal;
• Bottles for bottling of the finished beverage.
Cooking method:
1. Harvesting.
Fit the fruits of all sizes, most importantly to remove the green and rotten berries. Another important point - the grapes can not be washed, dirty berries is better to wipe with a dry cloth. The fact that the surface of the grapes live bacteria and fungi that are natural yeast, allowing fermentation.2. Receipt of grape juice. At this stage the crushed grapes. This can be done by hand or ordinary tolkushkoy for mashed potatoes. Each berry has to be completely crushed, only then it will give your juice. In contrast to the preparation of plum wine, the procedure is not very time-consuming, because the grapes are just gags and gives the juice.
The result is a mixture of grape, which is the language of winemakers called mashes. For the finished pulp juice should drain through a colander and squeeze through cheesecloth.
3. Fermentation. First, you need to prepare packages. It is better to use glass bottles of 5 and 10 liters, merging them into grape juice sweetened with sugar. The containers must be perfectly clean and dry, they are filled with the juice of not more than 2/3 of the volume, since the liquid must be left free space for fermentation. The amount of sugar depends on the type of wine. Optimal - Add 100 to 150 grams per liter of juice.
Then, at the neck of the container with the juice water seal wear. The design shown in the figure. We should also take care of the plug leakage, it should not leak air, otherwise instead of wine you get the usual vinegar. To ensure proper sealing cap can close up clay.
juice now need to move to a room with a temperature of 16-22 ° C. Fermentation can be carried out at higher temperatures (30 ° C), but then recommend to fill the container is only half the volume, otherwise it can not withstand gas pressure, and burst.
The fermentation process of wine from grape "Isabella" lasts 2-3 months. Periodically, the water in the pot is "bubbling". This means that everything is going well. If bubbles are not observed - leakproof and plug again need to stick round a layer of clay.
3-4 months to cleanse drink, and all the dregs settle to the bottom. Before you nearly finished wine with an alcohol to 12 rpm.
4. Stabilization of flavor. If the wine "Isabella" turned too sour, the taste can be corrected by adding more sugar, which will no longer be processed into alcohol. For this wine, not shaking poured into a large container. Remaining at the bottom of the cream of tartar and turbidity should not get into the infused drink. Next, 1 liter of domestic young wine 30-50 grams of sugar is added and stirred until completely dissolved.
Then, the capacity in which the fermentation is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry upside down. After drying them again poured wine diluted with sugar and tightly stoppered.
5. Bottling. A month later, homemade wine can be poured into bottles, cork close and store in refrigerator or cellar. strength of the drink is 11-14 rpm, and the taste of it will be sweeter than wine.
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