Tortillas with cheese and herbs in the oven


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In a matter of minutes (no more than 10 for the whole process) we bake soft, flexible, very tasty cakes with whey with cheese and herbs. Knead the dough with a fork or whisk until a sticky consistency (no need to roll out with a rolling pin), pour into a suitable pan or baking sheet and ruddy in a hot oven.

Cheese scones are good to bite with tea, refreshments, soups, kebabs and salads instead of bread.

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Flour - 150 g

Serum - 100 ml

Egg - 1 pc.

Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons

Baking powder - 0.5 tsp l.

Salt - 0.5 tsp l.

Cheese - 120 g

Greens - 50 g

Vegetable oil - 20 ml

Step by step recipe:

 Step 1 of 10
Step 1 of 10

To bake delicious cheese tortillas in the oven, take the food listed. If you've made cottage cheese from milk at home, use the leftover whey. However, a purchased one is also suitable. In addition, if desired, whey is replaced with yogurt, kefir or ayran (unsweetened fermented milk drink).

Choose greens according to the season, fragrant and juicy. Cheese - melt varieties, from delicate dessert, pickled, such as mozzarella or feta cheese, to mature with a bitter taste and rich aftertaste.

Step 2 of 10
Step 2 of 10

Beat the egg and sugar with salt first, as if making an omelet.

Step 3 of 10
Step 3 of 10

Pour in the serum and continue in quick circular movements. Add spicy, hot spices if necessary.

Step 4 of 10
Step 4 of 10

Chop clean greens (green onions, parsley, dill) not too finely. Then we throw it into the egg mixture. Greens are ideally combined with cheese, various savory flour products.

Step 5 of 10
Step 5 of 10

Pour wheat flour with baking powder to the liquid composition. Knead, removing dry lumps. The dough for tortillas should be viscous, viscous, thick, pancakes and pancakes are baked from the same.

Step 6 of 10
Step 6 of 10

Pour the mass into an oiled mold, align over the entire area.

Step 7 of 10
Step 7 of 10

Scatter pieces or shavings of cheese on top. We put the form in the oven preheated by that moment. We bake the cake for about 10 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Step 8 of 10
Step 8 of 10

Blush the cheese crust, the crumb should be completely baked.

Step 9 of 10
Step 9 of 10

Break or cut a cheese cake with herbs in portions and serve.

Step 10 of 10
Step 10 of 10

Bon Appetit!

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