Capelin caviar: a delicacy for a penny or food junk?


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Capelin caviar is a delicious product that many people love. But many are confused by its appearance: it seems that the main part in the jar is occupied not by the eggs themselves, but by the sauce, which resembles not very healthy mayonnaise. Is it worth buying such a product at all and is there any benefit in it? Let's take a closer look.

Some useful information about capelin

When the shores are covered with a layer of silvery scales, and the air begins to smell brightly of fresh cucumbers, Sakhalin residents know that it's time for capelin. Yes, fresh capelin smells like cucumbers - just like the famous smelt, since the fish belong to the same family.

Spawning begins in late May - early June, and there are so many fish during this period that you can catch them with your bare hands. On Sakhalin, it is used in various fields: as a fertilizer (just buried in the ground with plantings), as an appetizer - it is loved pickled.

However, not so long ago, commercial fishing of this fish was banned in a number of regions, since capelin is an important part of the ecosystem - it serves as food for many larger fish.

But if catching this fish is prohibited in Russia, why can you find a huge amount of canned food in every store? The fact is that caviar is brought to Russia from other countries, for example, China, India, where it is allowed to catch it.

In Russia, capelin is no longer harvested to prevent a decrease in the number of larger fish that feed on it (Photo:
In Russia, capelin is no longer harvested to prevent a decrease in the number of larger fish that feed on it (Photo:

Employees of factories in the Kaliningrad region said that they receive the main raw materials in barrels, in a salted form. And already on its basis canned caviar is made, which we buy in stores?

Is this product useful or not worth buying?

Capelin caviar in its composition and benefits is in no way inferior to more expensive "brothers": red and black caviar. This product contains a lot of protein, as well as chromium, zinc, selenium and other elements, which makes it very useful.

But there is one "but". You cannot find fresh caviar on sale. The fact is that it has a very sharp and specific taste and smell that hardly anyone will like.

Therefore, they try to disguise it with something else. And for this, various sauces and fillings are used. They do an excellent job with their main task, but, alas, they add extra calories to the product.

The process of preparing an appetizer is simple: first, all the ingredients for the sauce are mixed (and this is not mayonnaise, but a special powder, creamy oil and a number of other additives), then the mass undergoes a homogenization process to obtain a homogeneous structure, which resembles mayonnaise.

After the mass has cooled, caviar is added to it, mixed again and poured into cans.

Tatyana Khrenova, head of the quality department of the Kaliningrad plant, told how to recognize good caviar. The first thing worth paying attention to is the crunch that the eggs create when pressed. This is both pleasant and tasty, and speaks of the high quality of the raw materials used.

Even eating red caviar with white bread can lead to extra pounds (Photo:
Even eating red caviar with white bread can lead to extra pounds (Photo:

Tatyana assures that you cannot get fat from the use of such a product, since the "mayonnaise" sauce although it has fat content, however, in order for extra pounds to appear, you will have to eat a lot caviar.

True, nutritionists have a slightly different opinion on this matter. According to them, a quarter of this product (more precisely, 24%) is fat. 100 g of capelin caviar - almost 200 Kcal. And, of course, if you spread caviar on high-calorie white bread and often use such a snack, the figure will not say "thank you" to you.

Some consumers say they have found traces of mold in a can of caviar.

This happens if the tightness of the can was broken during production or transportation. Therefore, it is so important to carefully check the packaging. And the fact that the can is hermetically sealed will be indicated by the sound of a "pop" when opening.

How and with what it is right to eat?

As we said, capelin has a very sharp aroma and taste, so many people do not like it, especially when fried. But from capelin roe, as well as from the fish itself, you can prepare various snacks.

  • Festive snack. It is enough just to use the product as a filling for profiteroles. And if there is a pastry bag, then this process will take just a couple of minutes.
  • Sophisticated sandwich, for the preparation of which the caviar itself and the fried capelin fillet are used. Borodino bread is ideal as a base, since its taste will ideally emphasize the taste of the fish itself. It is enough to cut the bread, grease it with caviar, put pieces of fish on top. You can decorate the sandwich with a poached egg and herbs.

Too often, caviar should not be consumed in order to exclude extra pounds. Still, it's worth including it in your diet: the price is much cheaper than the cost of salmon caviar, and the benefits are no less. Perhaps that is why this product is often called a real folk delicacy.

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