20 cases of food that you did not know


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What do we know about the foods that we eat every day? Interesting about the tasty and not just later in the article.

20 cases of food that you did not know

1. Green salad - a frequent source of intestinal infections. Crunch, juicy and bright color is deceptive: lettuce growing on a ridge, they enters the earth, and often fertilizer - pathogens. Do not forget to wash your salad!

2. Sharp knife - the knife safe. It is impossible not to be circumcised, working in the kitchen. But rather dull knife slips off the crust or vein twitches in his hand, and will cause more ragged and painful wound. The edge of the knife must be sharp and free of nicks, no wonder it takes Kashrut.

3. Get used to the horseradish and mustard can not. The island will be forever. To tears. Burning mustard, wasabi and horseradish has a different nature than in the case of Chile. The reason - the isothiocyanates resulting from the destruction of the cells. In addition to the impact on heat receptors they have tear effect.

4. When cooking pasta is no need to add oil into the water. When the pasta in boiling water fall, their outer layer becomes sticky due to gelatinization of starch. Oil on the water surface is not prevented. Surest way - a few times to mix the first 2-3 minutes of cooking.

5. Paste not slipnetsya if its pre-soaked in cold water. Minimum - until the water boils. During this time the starch is washed away from the surface. Maximum - two hours. Instead of water, you can use broth or sauce. Pasta cooked for 3 minutes and would be ideal.

6. They say a good restaurant uses more butter. It's true. It makes food taste better.

7. Extract the meat - a traditional way to soften it and to enhance the taste. Posting a carcass in the cellar, and now in the refrigerator, butcher controls enzymatic processes in muscle and cuts on the surface. Often the meat is kept in a vacuum, but is a weaker effect on the taste.

8. Can soften the meat, having beaten him with a hammer. A more cunning - with the help of pineapple, papaya, kiwi or fig leaves. These plants contain enzymes that break down proteins, including veins. You can endure the meat in a fruit puree or buy purified enzymes. The main thing - do not overdo it.

9. Jelly with fresh pineapple can not be obtained. Gelatin - protein, hydrolyzed collagen, the basis of connective tissue. Bromelin, an enzyme contained in the pineapple, cleaves proteins. Ruin and jelly. Exit - pineapple cook that will destroy the enzyme itself. Or take canned.

10. Meat "seal" is useless. The idea to burn the meat, to close the pores and keep the crust juicy, does not maintain the practice. Abrupt heating causes muscle fibers to contract and squeeze out of the moisture like a sponge. Best to bake the meat and then fry.

11. Shawarma - German dish. In its present form it appeared in Berlin. In the early seventies two Turkish workers grill installed independently from each other vertically, fried meat and placed it in a soft cake. They created an industry that feeds millions of people.

12. Cooked meat should be cut across the grain. It was found that the product is properly prepared in 4.5 times softer than if it was cut along. The exception, perhaps, one: ham and other dried ham on the bone it possible to saw neatly barely wide. And it makes no sense.

13. Brown sugar is not necessarily cane. Brown sugar - just enough purified from molasses. Brown is and beet and palm, and any sugar produced by evaporation of vegetable juice. Refined cane sugar completely white.

14. It is alleged that in the garden of the emperor Diocletian, pensioner grew cabbage and beets. Cabbage heads of cabbage, however, was unknown to the Romans, so that it looked more like leafy greens. But the soup could have been invented in the third century.

15. Sodium nitrite - a preservative, and this is his main role. He saves from the danger of poisoning with botulinum toxin. In large quantities of hazardous substances, but should not be afraid: it almost does not remain in the product. In the sausage sodium nitrite behind spinach, tomato, or celery.

16. Meat and fish tartare and sushi is better to use frozen. First, it allows you to get rid of possible parasites, ie to freeze the product before you eat it raw, it is necessary. Secondly, frostbitten meat easier to cut perfect slices.

17. Gut not only edible, but also tasty. Annually in the world sells gut worth almost three billion dollars. Total majority - as a shell for sausages. The rest - the local specialties, such as kokorech. It lamb intestines grilled, stunning Turkish delicacies.

18. From store eggs never hatch chicks. Hens lay them without the participation of the rooster, is a manifestation of the natural cycle. Layers are always separated from the cocks, if there is no breeding objectives. The taste of these eggs are almost indistinguishable from a freshly fertilized.

19. This goat cheese tingling tongue. It is made using a secret yagnyachego abomasum and powder special glands, which are located in the base language. The enzyme lipase releases free fatty acids from milk fat, which creates a sharp taste.

20. Additive E621, glutamate, is not dangerous. Vegetables, cereals and meat naturally contain a noticeable amount of this substance that is indistinguishable from that obtained in the industry. From tomatoes to soy sauce. If afraid of glutamate, it is necessary to be consistent and to exclude from the diet of most of the food.

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