Dangerous fish blacklisted: 10 species to avoid


(Photo: kraken.bg)
(Photo: kraken.bg)

Ask anyone if fish is healthy and he will answer - "Yes!" It contains a lot of protein, phosphorus, and other useful elements that are necessary for health. According to doctors, fish must be present in the diet at least twice a week. In addition, fish is an important element of the dietary menu, because it contains an ideal combination of BJU, while saturating the body with important minerals.

We have compiled a list of 10 types of fish that should not be present on your table.

TOP 10 types of fish that should be discarded


A fairly popular type of fish, which is usually sold in stores in salted or smoked form.

But it is better to exclude it from the diet. The problem is that a large amount of mercury accumulates in mackerel - this dangerous substance is found in large quantities in sea water, which has been polluted in recent years by industrial emissions.

If you really love this fish, you shouldn't eat it more than once a month.

Atlantic Bighead

Although this fish is considered a delicacy, it should not be consumed (Photo: lrt.lt)
Although this fish is considered a delicacy, it should not be consumed (Photo: lrt.lt)

This fish is highly toxic. And this can be explained by her age, which averages 80-120 years. Over the entire period, she accumulates in her body a lot of dangerous substances that can cause severe harm to the body.

Another reason is the preservation of the fish population, because the Atlantic bighead is already on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately, existing bans and penalties on catching cannot restore the fish population.

Imported catfish

The main danger of catfish, which are grown on an industrial scale, is the presence of hormones in their body. These substances are used to accelerate the growth of fish. And especially dangerous in this regard are those products that are supplied from Asian countries.


This fish is tasty, healthy, but too often it should not be included in the diet (Photo: mensjournal.com)
This fish is tasty, healthy, but too often it should not be included in the diet (Photo: mensjournal.com)

The main advantage of this fish is a large amount of low-calorie proteins that are easily absorbed by the body, as well as the presence of Omega-3 acids in the composition. Cooking fish is simple, there are hundreds of recipes for preparing various dishes based on it.

But many people should not use tilapia. This is due to the fact that fish contains not only healthy, but also harmful fats. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it for those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, tilapia quickly accumulates toxins in itself, which can cause serious harm to the body.


Doubtful type of fish, which is better to refuse. The fact is that the tile can rightfully be called the leader in terms of mercury content.

It is strictly contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation. The maximum allowed amount of this fish for an adult and healthy person is no more than 150 g per month.


Eel is considered by many to be a delicacy, since not every chef can cook it properly in order to reveal its full taste.

But the problem with eel is that it very quickly absorbs hazardous substances that may be contained in the water.

Eel dishes are delicious, the fish itself is healthy, but frequent consumption can be bad for your health (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Eel dishes are delicious, the fish itself is healthy, but frequent consumption can be bad for your health (Photo: Pixabay.com)

Sea bass

Sea bass is a rather rare product in our stores, as many unscrupulous sellers pass off pangasius and other cheap varieties for it.

But you do not need to be upset: it is better not to remember such a purchase at all, since there is a lot of mercury in sea bass meat. And even a perfectly healthy person should not eat fish too often.


It is difficult to find a person who would not like to try shark steak: it is tasty, juicy, in addition, shark meat is nutritious and does not contain bones. However, the product has a very specific smell, which is difficult to interrupt, and therefore only super-chefs cook the shark.

However, you shouldn't rush to order a dish in any restaurant. The main danger is that a lot of mercury accumulates in meat.

In addition, not everyone can properly cook shark meat for a long time (Photo: santamonicaseafood.com)
In addition, not everyone can properly cook shark meat for a long time (Photo: santamonicaseafood.com)


This fish has many advantages: unusual and delicate taste, few bones, ease of preparation. That is why professional chefs love it so much. And there is nothing dangerous in it! Except for one "but"!

The fish is very expensive. And therefore, in many restaurants, instead of swordfish, they serve a simple shark, and we have already said about its dangers.


Yes, this fish is very healthy and is recommended by many doctors and nutritionists to include it in your diet. However, it can be dangerous due to its high mercury content. And most of all this substance is in such types of tuna as blue and blackfin.

Tuna is very healthy, it has a lot of nutrients, but you shouldn't eat this fish too often (Photo: Pixabay.com)
Tuna is very healthy, it has a lot of nutrients, but you shouldn't eat this fish too often (Photo: Pixabay.com)

In addition, in recent years, this fish has been grown on fish farms. And many dishonest manufacturers use growth hormones and antibiotics to accelerate growth and make more money from the sale. But tuna caught in the open sea is quite difficult to find in stores today.

More interesting articles:

Which frozen fish is best to buy for frying
Why shark meat shouldn't be eaten
What they sell us in stores under the guise of smoked fish

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