Ten Secrets of good tasty coffee


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Delicious Coffee love everything. Well, except for those who love delicious tea.
What you need to know to always enjoy the coffee house?

Professional secrets shared acquaintance chief barista network known coffee.

1. Do not buy coffee in grocery stores

In a large network of good coffee shops you will not find. Usually there overcooked grain sold with a bitter taste. The information that you see on a pack of coffee at the supermarket, often none at all about what does not speak. You will not know from which country brought the coffee, as it has been processed and when exactly is browned.

2. Always look at the date of roasting coffee

Coffee has its shelf life, or rather, the desired period of use. And it is only one month. During this period he made the most vivid taste. On the packaging of coffee have to be dated and should be specified under what method of cooking it fried (or Filter ways, either under an espresso).

3. Use brewing scales

Accuracy is important not only in the confectionery business, but also for brewing coffee. It is the measurement of all prescription and repetition guarantees us stable cup of coffee every time.

4. Experiment with water

98-99% of your cup - it is water, the rest - it is dissolved from the coffee beans substances. Therefore, water is a very important factor. If the water is soft, the coffee likely perezavaritsya if tough - nedozavaritsya, so you should seek the middle.
Which can be determined by the following criteria:
nedozavareny - very watery, with no apparent bright taste; perezavarenny - very pungent, can transform into bitterness.

Good water - water of medium hardness. Here, it may be advisable to use a home reverse osmosis (cleaning system) or water "Lipetsk pump room" and Volvic (these are my personal favorites, you can ekperimentirovat with other brands).

5. Do not overheat the water

Coffee - a very delicate product and requires gentle handling. The water should not be boiling, but water less than 90 degrees, too, should not be used. The ideal temperature for brewing (e.g., during frenchpresse) 96 degrees - when there is water on the beads.

6. Use Burr grinders

It is the use of millstones ensures uniform fractions. If you use a coffee grinder with a blade, it turns out that all the factions heterogeneous and brewing is uneven. Which, of course, is reflected in the taste of your drink.

7. Experiment with recipes

For example, we can take as a basis the formula: 60 g of coffee per 1 liter. water, respectively, in 250 ml cup. you will need to '15 coffee.
And then be guided to your taste - me to pray, grammovku coffee grammovku water, the water temperature to achieve the best taste.
If you make coffee in Turku, then use cold water and cook on low heat for a coffee, a drink to warm gradually. Mix the coffee with water you need at once, so you will avoid dry lumps, and coffee is extracted evenly. But after boiling, by contrast, stirring does not cost anything, otherwise we will accelerate the extraction and the cup will be more grounds. After boiling, allow the coffee to rest for one minute, and then can be poured into the cup.

8. Drink black coffee

Try not to add any sugar or milk. Coffee - a self-contained product, when properly brewed, it should not be bitter and does not require any additives. Before something to add, took a sip, to see if it is really necessary.

For home cooking is better to use one of the so-called alternative methods of brewing, when the black coffee is prepared without the use of coffee machines. For example, purover.
In fact it is an analogue of the home drip coffee maker, but you can adjust the flavor by pouring water faster or slower.

To prepare the necessary paper filter coffee and hot water. And in order to remove a paper taste, filter should be moistened with water. The proportion of the same: 60 g of coffee per liter of water.

Funnel, with the already moistened filter, set on the cup, pour the coffee and begin a trickle pouring water onto the surface of the coffee. Pouring must be carefully and slowly so as not to destroy the layer of coffee and not raise dust which is obtained by smalyvanii grain.

The water will pass through the coffee, while taking out all the soluble particles, taste and aroma. The resulting drink mix needed (coffee can delaminate slightly, and the top layer is a more compact, because the essential oils are concentrated just at the top layer).

Coffee made using purovera, it turns out the taste is very light, fruity, like a compote.

9. Try different coffee

There are a lot of countries, regions, processing plants, processing methods, which ultimately changes the taste of the drink.

There is such a thing as terroir - a combination of climate, soil and terrain relfno, which directly affect the taste.

For example, Kenya - a bright berry flavor with a pronounced acidity, and Ethiopia - tea and bergamot notes. Recently, I was very surprised Columbia - different regions and different coffee very, very rich and full-bodied flavor, malic and citric acidity. If you prefer something acidic, and a nut, chocolate, a bit similar to nougat, choose Brazil or El Salvador.

10. Do not buy pre-ground coffee

Coffee is best to grind just before brewing, for each new cup. Of ground coffee quickly evaporate all extractives that give the taste of the drink.

If you grind the coffee in advance, then the next day, the taste of your coffee will be worse than using freshly ground.

Enjoy a good coffee!

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