Top most useful cereals


1). oatmeal
Regularly eating this mess, you can get rid of gastrointestinal diseases. It gives a lot of energy, so you will be refreshed throughout the day. It contains a quarter of the daily requirement of fiber, and three-quarters cup dry cereal Herculean cover the daily requirement of this element. The oats also have an enzyme that promotes the absorption of fat in the intestine. Very useful oatmeal with mucus, which is formed during boiling. This fluid washes away from the stomach all the germs and toxins, enveloping the intestinal mucosa and the stomach.
Vitamins: Oatmeal distinguishes a high content of vitamin H, a biotin, an active participant in cholesterol metabolism, amino acids and proteins. Vitamin H improves health and human skin.
Phytic acid, which is contained in the oat gruel, inhibits the absorption of calcium in the intestine. In addition, oatmeal leaches calcium from the bones and does not give him absorbed in the intestine.

2). rice
Rice porridge saves in diseases of the digestive system and diarrhea. There's a lot of carbohydrates and the most useful substances in fiber. Nutritional properties of rice differ slightly depending on the species: brown and parboiled rice contains more minerals than white rice. The white rice is almost nothing useful. Rice porridge strengthens the nervous system and converts nutrients into energy. Recently, Japanese scientists have discovered that the rice is not only good for health but also enhances intelligence.

Vitamins: Of all the cereals rice occupies first place on the content of high-quality starch, 77.3% protein and biological value. This barley is an important source of thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and Vitamin B6.
BUT: Do not eat rice for colic. In addition, rice contains a large amount of carbohydrate and starch, which promote the formation of excess fat.

3). barley
Although barley porridge contains far less vitamins than, for example, oats, it improves digestion, it gives strength and energy to the body. In addition, the croup is useful in diseases of the bowel, accompanied by frequent constipation.
Vitamins: Pearl barley contains B vitamins (like all grains), fiber, vegetable protein.
BUT: When the porridge has cooled, it loses flavor and digested worse.

4). millet
If you suffer from cardio-vascular system, then this mess will be very useful. Nutritionists advise to include millet in soups.
Vitamins: Contains proteins, niacin, copper, manganese and zinc.
HO: In millet contains a very large amount of fat, so that the grain during prolonged storage can become rancid, therefore before cooking it must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water or in a cold soak time to hit the unpleasant flavor.

5). buckwheat
This brown rump popularly called mini-pharmacy, because it saves the body from intoxication and poisoning. It removes harmful toxins, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Also, this miracle grits helps with metabolic disturbances obesity, diabetes. Kasha increases the potency, promotes healing of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, the recommended pancreatic diseases.
Vitamins: Average buckwheat contains 14% protein, 67% starch, 3% fat, rich Vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, minerals, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium.
BUT: Porridge in very young children makes it difficult digestion

6). Wheat and rye bran
Bran is called the remnants of flour milling. It is interesting that they contain all the healing power of the grain. Bran not only promote digestion, but also removed from the body of harmful heavy metals, radionuclides and substances. Despite its coarse grinding, they are easily absorbed by the body and perfectly clean the intestines. Bran is also useful for obese people who are prone to obesity, they swell in the stomach and give a feeling of satiety.
Vitamins: The bran contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron). It is particularly important in the presence of a large number of bran fiber.
BUT: Do not give young children bran, because of their coarse grind may hinder digestion. A number of diseases, such as acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, they are contraindicated.

7). semolina
This porridge is especially useful for children, it is recommended to maintain the body in good shape. But it is useful not only for children but also adults. Porridge has beneficial effects on bone and gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamins: Contains phytin substance, in which the phosphor. This item binds calcium and prevents them to enter the bloodstream.
BUT: Children should not overfeed this porridge, because kids it reduces the digestibility of vitamin D and iron. Besides it, as all cereals, contain gluten protein gluten which leads to excess carbohydrates in the body.

8). Barley porridge
Barley porridge is rich in amino acids, especially lysine, which has an antiviral effect, protects against colds and acute herpes infections. Lysine is actively involved in the production of collagen, which slows down the appearance of wrinkles. The grains of barley contains almost 2% fat, 4.5% fat, 66% carbohydrate, 11% protein, which is higher than the nutritional value of wheat!
Vitamins and minerals in barley groats (per 100 gram product) 477 mg potassium, 93 mg calcium, 12 mg of iron and manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, strontium, chromium, iodine, bromine. Useful properties of barley porridge determines its main advantage - this mess is breaking all records on the content of phosphorus - 353 mg. Barley has a complete set of: A, D, E, PP and group B vitamins

9). Corn porridge
Polenta is very much appreciated by nutritionists as the leading out from the body of harmful cholesterol. A still unrefined corn oil in a reducing appetite, which promotes weight loss. The first person who saw the corn, was Christopher Columbus. Native Americans - Indians, belonged to this plant with an unprecedented respect. Found drawings on the walls of temples of Indian bread made of corn flour brought to the altar of the Sun God, to appease the gods and get a good harvest. The pioneers of American maize came to Europe. Europeans have grown it in gardens as an ornamental plant, and later, when the taste of corn was appreciated, it began to eat corn porridge to eat. But the taste quality is not only the dignity of maize, the main thing in it - it is rich in vitamin composition. Polenta is useful, that is. To. It contains a lot of vitamin K, which is a must for the cardiovascular system.

Interesting factThat people living in a territory traditionally grown corn, less likely to suffer from heart disease. Another useful property of corn porridge causes an abundance of vitamin E, which is struggling with aging and is good for the condition of the hair and skin. The corn also has B vitamins necessary for the nervous system, as well as for the prevention of insomnia and depression), vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and prevents early wrinkles) vitamin D, making bones strong and teeth healthy, iron, necessary for a good complexion and correct the blood, potassium and magnesium which protect the heart and has beneficial effects on the exchange substances.

Many agree that the useful properties corn porridge are the ability to neutralize toxins, stimulate the immune defense, to normalize metabolism in the body, calms the nervous system and to choleretic effect.

But we are not talking about the import of canned corn, which often contains GMOs, and to present to the native corn fields.

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