Separate nutrition: how to properly combine foods?


And, you know that: you can not eat honey with animal products, do not eat watermelon with melon and cheese goes well with potatoes? Did not know? Then catch a unique selection of combinations and combinations of products.

Certainly each of us familiar with the state when digestion "swears" on the wrong combination of foods. Proponents of the theory of a separate food believe that the consequences of mismanagement of combining the ingredients of different nature can be not Only complications of the stomach and intestines, but also the various manifestations of skin diseases, chronic pain, fatigue, and even depression. What is the essence of this theory?

Separate nutrition: how to properly combine foods?

The author of the concept of a separate power supply is considered to be Herbert Shelton, who wrote a treatise on the subject.
Thus, according to Shelton, each product eaten digested digestive tract specific department and with the help of a specific set of enzymes.

For example, proteins are broken down in an acid environment, and carbohydrates - alkaline, so the mix of ingredients is fraught with violations, which we mentioned.

Moreover, such poorly digested products can not be absorbed and remain in the body as harmful toxins.
Therefore, to preserve the health and longevity of this system offers to share all products and incongruous incongruous.

Although, like many other theories, this system is subject to many critics, many were able to not only lose weight thanks to this diet, but also significantly improve health and cure chronic diseases.
Therefore we suggest to study the principles of combination products and they liked to take note.

Bread, cereals and potatoes

Because of its complex carbohydrate profile of these products will go well in combination with oils and all kinds of vegetables that give in result of an infinite number of cereal porridges, soups, side dishes, mashed potatoes and roasted vegetables that you can eat a bit of sugar with a slice of bread.

Meat, fish, eggs

These products are concentrated protein for digestion which requires the body to develop a large amount of acid and digestive enzymes.
Therefore, a companion such products are not suitable mashed potatoes and spaghetti, and non-starchy and green leafy vegetables like onions, asparagus, green beans, zucchini, cucumbers.


According to this system, oil divided by origin.
So, all vegetable oils are combined into one group, are combined with legumes, bread, cereals, nuts, sour fruits and tomatoes, as well as all kinds of vegetables, including potatoes.

But a companion butter should choose acidic fruits, all kinds of vegetables, cheese and milk products.

Cheese, cheese, sour cream

Products such as cheese and feta cheese, can be combined with cottage cheese and sour milk products, sour fruits, tomatoes and all kinds of vegetables, excluding potatoes.
But it is best to add the cream to the bread, cereals, vegetables, sour fruits, tomatoes, cereals, legumes, cheese and dairy products.


Lovers pour the crushed nuts in the dish should be remembered that they go well with vegetable oil, sour fruits, all kinds of vegetables, except potatoes, cottage cheese and sour milk products.
In general, nuts are best eaten as a snack self apart from all combinations.

Grains and legumes

Complex group, which requires a specific approach: we take in partners all vegetables, except potatoes, sour cream and vegetable oil.
In order to facilitate the digestion of legumes, they are best to soak at least overnight and cook with garlic, onions and Indian spices asafoetida.

Fruit with a sour taste and tomatoes

It turns out that acidic fruits, which include citrus, pomegranate, pineapple and tomatoes, as an exception, in principle, compatible with dairy products, butter, sour cream, cheese, cheese, nuts, non-starchy vegetables.
Therefore, on the basis of a smoothie Greek yoghurt you can leave, but the version with banana complicate digestion.

sweet fruit

This group, which includes bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, mangoes, apples, pears, grapes, peaches, apricots, raspberries, strawberries and all dried fruits.
Due to the fact that these foods are digested longer sour fruit, it is desirable to eat a meal or combined with non-starchy vegetables, cheese and milk products.

non-starchy vegetables

This group of vegetables, including leafy greens, goes well with meat, fish and eggs, nuts, butter, sour cream bread, cereals, cheese, feta cheese, sweet fruits, dried fruits, sour fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and legumes.

starchy vegetables

Starchy vegetables, which include beets, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, corn, sweet potato and radish, mix well with a large number of products: they can have any butter, cottage cheese, dairy products, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, cheese, cheese, cereals and legumes, bread, potatoes and cereals.

Cheese and dairy products

Cheese and dairy products combine well with all kinds of vegetables, excluding potatoes.
Also, you can make a good combination with sour cream, sweet fruit, dried fruit, nuts and cheese.
Therefore, a light snack of cheese, rubbed with sour cream and fruit can be left on the list of successful combinations.

Poor matching products

Yes, there are foods that are best eaten separately from the rest - a melon, watermelon, milk and sugar.
Products such as jams and preserves, as well as any other sugar and fructose in the composition of the best use a separate meal, because in combination with other ingredients they cause fermentation.
However, not without exceptions: honey, for example, can be combined with plant-based diet, avoiding animal-derived ingredients.


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