The "golden" rules of nutrition for weight loss


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You want to lose weight and guaranteed forever? In no case do not sit on a rigid diet - even if you soak it and dropped kilos come back to you with a makeweight. Instead, take into service the following "golden" rules of supply and ensuring the success of you!

The "golden" rules of nutrition for weight loss

Rule №1: Burn more than you consume

It's simple: to lose weight, be engaged fizaktivnostyami that will provide you burning calories consumed, preferably with a small deficit - that is, you need to burn a little more than consume. Approach the subject carefully: count calories consumed and compare it with how many calories you expend (in the main exchange for the maintenance of life + physical activity). Note that simply eating less will not work here - if you eat a handful, but the nuts, you probably will unconsciously consume more than you burn. Count is needed.

Rule №2: Calorie deficit should be small

The second rule follows from the first. If you create too large a deficit, including "power saving mode" in your body: the body of a accustomed to a reduced caloric intake, it will slow down metabolism, and weight loss will happen too slow. And besides, you will have enough energy for fitness. Why do you need a disorder of metabolism and eternal lethargy, and even if there are no visible results?

Rule №3: Choose the right calories

Do not try to stick to the well a calculated daily kalorazh fast food and other harm, even if they fit into it perfectly. You have to get your calories from healthy foods - low fat, rich in protein and fiber. It is not only useful - it also will be a lot, so you'll constantly feel full. Remember: it is important to not only the amount of calories, but also the balance of nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - in food. If he does not comply, it will also lead to metabolic disorders and slow down fat burning. Reduction of caloric intake should be done by reducing the consumption of animal fats and simple carbohydrates, especially refined - sugar confectionery products, flour products from the top variety.

Rule №4: Do not be afraid of fats

From healthy fats not only do not get fat - they are the key to good health and proper diet. Unsaturated fats are found in unrefined oils, oily fish, avocado, macronutrients are useful - they directly involved in hormone metabolism, immune processes and fat metabolism, that is, the use of body fat for energy needs. Particularly important essential omega-3 unsaturated acids, improve fat metabolism, reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in blood and regulate hormone levels. Get them out of the fish, flaxseed oil, or special additives.

Rule №5: Do not be afraid of carbohydrates

Similarly, you should not completely abandon the carbohydrates. Low carb, carbohydrate-free diets, and "drying" have the right to exist and are part of the preparation of athletes for competitions. But they will not help you lose weight once and for all. They - a kind of extreme diet, and you need a proper regime of healthy eating, which can be followed constantly. your nutrition It should be balanced and diverse, and thus includes carbohydrates. Just give up the simple carbohydrates in sweets. But in no case does not exclude from the diet of complex carbohydrates - whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Rule №6: Do not abuse the proteins

Protein is necessary and is the basis of the diet for weight loss - because protein foods are usually lower in calories, and the body spends on its uptake much more energy (calories) than in the processing of fats or carbohydrates. This has a positive effect on the metabolism acceleration and leads to the loss of excess weight. But also should not overeat here! Eat no more than 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight - otherwise you will create too great a burden on the body, which is fraught with violations of his work.

Rule №7: Eat regularly

Eat little and often. To do this, create yourself a diet and try to abide by it. And this always have the right products at home, wear a takeaway container, cook in advance and avoid hunger. Long periods between meals cause unwanted surges in blood sugar that trigger fat deposition. If you eat little and often, it will accelerate your metabolism, and fat in it will not be delayed, and quickly burned.

Rule №8: Control your portion sizes

This rule is related to the previous - remember that your blood must constantly do small amounts of nutrients. For this to happen this way, reduce the size of servings of food that you are accustomed to consume. Do not overload your digestive system a large amount of food. If the nutrients will flow in abundance, the body will convert them into body fat.

Rule №9: Drink plenty of water

For proper operation, your body needs adequate hydration. Water directly affects the functioning of your organs, so do not underestimate the importance of proper drinking regimen.

Rule №10: Eat with pleasure

Do not give up a delicious and diverse food. Experiment, look simple, but interesting recipes, get pleasure from eating. Otherwise, you just will not last, but in order to lose weight permanently, you need a diet that can be followed constantly. Everything from what you need to give this refined, highly processed foods, such as fast food. Learn to enjoy the taste of natural, fresh food.

Many interesting things not only about food >>>HERE
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