Harvesting for the winter, which our family has been doing for more than 40 years: pepper in tomato juice (I know what I like, I share the recipe)


My mother-in-law shared the recipe with me. One of my favorite blanks. 4 kg of pepper is not enough for us, I harvest at least 10 kg (just before the next season, we "release" the cans)

Of course, such a pepper is not prepared for one, two or three. But it's worth it! I clean the whole pepper at once. Then there just won't be time for it. It is advisable to add hot peppers - it turns out even tastier. But today I have a homemade pepper. And he, apparently, grew up near the spicy one (therefore it became slightly spicy). Just perfect for this recipe!

Pepper and cut into 4-6 parts. Smaller is not necessary.

I pour 2 liters of tomato juice into a large saucepan (I have 6 liters). For this recipe, I always prepare tomato juice from fresh tomatoes - I just pass the tomatoes through a juicer. Not that with tomato paste! In the video below, I showed you how to make juice. There are also 4 more ways to prepare pepper for the winter. Take a look - you will like:

I bring tomato juice to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Then I add salt, oil, vinegar 9% and bay leaf.

As soon as it boils again, I send the chopped pepper (or rather, part of the pepper) into the pan so that the tomato juice covers it. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. It is very important not to digest the pepper!

I put a jar near the stove (I sterilize it beforehand). And after exactly 5 minutes I quickly put the pepper in jars, fill it with tomato juice and close it with sterilized lids.

Immediately send the next portion of pepper to the pan. And I cook in the same way. Again - in the jars and close. Then I add pepper to the pot again, etc.

Usually, from the specified amount of ingredients, I get 3 liter and 4 half liter cans. And there is still some tomato juice left. I then add it to borsch, for example.

You can try it in a week. But it is tastier, of course, in winter))

This is how pepper turns out. Well, delicious! Sweet and sour, slightly spicy and very aromatic! If not digested, it turns out dense and the skin does not lag behind.


• Pepper - 4 kg
• Tomato juice - 2 l
• Salt - 2 tbsp.
• Sugar - 1 glass 250 ml (with a good slide!)
• Vinegar (9%) - 1 glass (incomplete!) ~ 220 ml
• Oil - 1 glass (incomplete!)
• Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
*** From this amount, 3 cans (1 l) and 4 cans (0.5 l) are obtained

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