No need to go hungry, if you want to lose weight. I share my menu, low-calorie recipes and experience weight loss of 57 kg.


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Greetings to all dieters who looked into my blog.

Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg (with the growth of 172 cm), sharing recipes and experiences.
As I was able to get rid of the moment57kg.

Already some time I want to say that we should not rush to lose weight as quickly as possible, sitting down on a rigid diet, setting himself kalorazh 1200, and less.

If you need to lose weight and lose weight with especially large weight, and not just get in shape, it is important to work not only on their eating habits.

Everything goes out of our heads.

It was there that originate different ideas, that is where our roots laziness that does not give effect, that is where entrenched stereotypes that are hard to overcome and start a new path.

Start with the head.

Only by understanding that all of these strict diets and hunger lead me around, and I just gain weight after them and purchase a bunch of sores, I was able to rethink their eating habits.

And it is very important to understand that we should not give up eating. It is necessary to have, but there is not as much as we used to. A management approaches to food intake.

Each of us has a calories (energy) is necessary for the functioning of the body. Exceeding this norm - we get better. And by creating a small deficit from the norm - we are comfortable to lose weight - without harm to health, without disruption, without hunger.

Counting calories, on par with the balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates - one of the most successful ways slimming.

Tell us about your menu for the day.

At breakfast - fried eggs in a pita.

I took 30 g of fine Armenian Lavash, 1 egg and 40 g suluguni cheese. Cheese rubbed, stirred the egg and salt. 2 Lavash cut circle shape of the pan. On the bottom of the pan 1 spread circle, sprinkle cheese, egg pour and cover the second circle Lavash. Cooking with the lid on medium heat for a few minutes on each side.

After breakfast - green tea.

Breakfast is turned on 300 kcal.

In the morning drink of omega-3, complex vitamins, vitamin D. All drink courses.

After breakfast, I went to work at the computer. Closer to the time of snacks, which I always have about 11 hours, I remembered that long ago bought cheese and baby peach puree to cook cottage cheese casserole. And so I wanted to warm cheese quiches on a snack that I postponed everything and went to cook. Moreover, that time would have to use cheese, the shelf life came to an end.

And in a casserole should be just 5 minutes of your time and the oven will do the rest. Videoretsept can be found at the end in napominalochke.

Snack - 155 g curd-peach casseroles and green tea - 230 kcal.

Lunch I was ready yesterday. This lentil soup with potatoes, carrots and onions in chicken broth.

Get dinner - a plate of lentil soup (350 g), 100 g of boiled meat chicken drumsticks and homemade whole wheat bread (30 g). The soup added 10 g of 10% cream.

Total for lunch 300 kcal.

They remained free calories and I decided an hour after dinner drink green tea with dried cranberries 20 g and 10 g cashew - 125 kcal.

For dinner salad: tomato (50 g) and cucumber (60 g), filled with 15 g of cream and 10% chicken thigh baked cheese and Cherry (100 g).

dinner 355 kcal.

Total for the day came I 1340 kcal.

I keep drinking regime and doing exercise at home.

And yet somehow I forgot to remind you of the need to care for the skin while losing weight, especially if you lose weight with a heavy weight. The skin should be helped to catch up.

Who has not had time or forgot to take part in our flashmob - weight "before" and "after" New Year's holidays - link to articleWhere we leave in the comments your weight that we had "to" New Year's.


Today for you videoretsept vegetable stew with chicken and prunes and cottage cheese and peach puddings:

selection snacks, salads and hot meals to the New Year's table.

Recipe profiteroles with curd cheese and salted fish will find you here.

Recipe PP dumplings - here.

Recipe of the tenderest cabbage Chinese cabbage without rice, but with mushrooms - here.

Recipe fragrant gingerbread, who will bring a festive atmosphere in your home - here.

Delicious and hearty breakfast - cheese cake.

Recipe for homemade chicken sausage - here.

Recipe chicken cakes stuffed with vegetables here.

Learning to count calorie ready meals the example of whole-wheat bread recipe.

Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
Do not spare the likes, support me!
I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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