Two years ago she weighed 132 kg. I refused diets, I eat tasty, balanced and lost weight up to 68 kg. My slimming menu.



All a good day and good mood!

Two years ago she weighed 132 kg. I refused diets, I eat tasty, balanced and lost weight up to 68 kg. My slimming menu.

Sometimes I feel discouraged and I donโ€™t know what to do.

And this is not connected with my weight loss and already maintaining weight, not with the fact that it was hard and hungry for me to lose weight and now it is difficult to maintain the result. No. It's easy for me to maintain weight and sometimes I don't even know what else to eat so as not to underestimate the calorie intake that I have now.

And I lost weight quite easily, although I made mistakes that could lead to breakdowns (I underestimated the calorie intake, but corrected myself and took the path of increasing the calorie content of the daily diet).

And my hands drop when I see such comments:

comment screen

And this person, writes similar under the article, where I say for the thousandth time that it is impossible to underestimate the calorie content of the diet, that if we want to lose weight nourishing, not starving, without breakdowns, comfortable - we need a minimum 15% deficit of our calorie norm and that we should not underestimate the diet to 1000-1200 kcal

But the man saw buckets of salad and a glass of kefir in my diet. In my diet! In which now there are about 1600 kcal and there is no kefir at all, and I never climbed into buckets of salad. My menu is completely different, and every day I say exactly the opposite.

But no, there are those who do not even bother to read at least some information, because they urgently need to express their "Fu".

And after all, it teaches - what needs to be understood by those who are losing weight, while she herself did not even try to understand at least something.

Today I want to say one thing: think, read, analyze and then you will succeed.

And I will give as an example of a menu on the calculation of KBZHU my diet.

โ›”I am citing my menu only as an example of nutrition based on KBZhU counting, since the calorie rate is individual and each of us has our own, as well as the calorie deficit.
To draw up an individual menu, contact the specialists.

Surprisingly, I don't have an apple and a bucket of salad for breakfast, and I don't have kefir, as well as in subsequent meals.

I have sandwiches for breakfast! Strange, isn't it? And throughout the entire weight loss, I constantly ate sandwiches, and they did not prevent me from losing weight, although there were a lot of "sandwich and weight loss specialists" and they predicted to me that on such a menu I would never losing weight.

I don't know how those specialists are doing, but I'm fine.

So, my breakfast is sandwiches on whole grain bread (65 g) with butter (15 g) and home-salted salted fish (85 g). I didnโ€™t even count the lettuce.

Breakfast - 470 kcal.

For a snack, I had a pear (230 g) and sai with marshmallows (30 g).

The snack came out on 210 kcal.

For dinner I have cooked sorrel soup. Back in the summer, I closed the sorrel in jars and just remembered my workpiece. It's spring already, and we have never cooked sorrel soup from blanks. Corrected, cooked.

My lunch is sorrel soup with beef broth with meat (450 g) with 40 g of sour cream and a slice of whole grain bread.

Dinner went out on 285 kcal

In the evening I cooked dinner - meat balls in white sauce and boiled buckwheat for a side dish. I saw that there was time, quickly mixed curd dough and made baskets with pears.

My dinner is 120 g of buckwheat, 150 g of meat balls in sauce and 100 g of vegetables.

In total it turned out for dinner 365 kcal.

3 hours before bedtime, I ate 130 g of baskets with a pear - 270 kcal.

The result of the day is 1595 kcal. B - 83, F - 68, U - 160. Be sure to drink the rate of water, do the usual exercises.

Recently, the record holder for weight loss, Nadezhda, has risen to a rather controversial topic of downloads, cheat mil, a large amount of baked goods and various sweets for girls in the active stage of losing weight.

I did not think that I would raise this issue in the article, but then I read the comments and decided to express my opinion. After all, each of us has the right to our opinion, right?

But I got so many letters that I put all the letters in a separate article, which will be published tomorrow morning.

Delicious and comfortable weight loss everyone!


Video recipe for khachapuri on curd dough and video recipe for chicken pancakes:

๐Ÿ“Œ Crib for beginners to lose weight - the main points with which you need to start your journey.

โ— Catalog links to recipes.

Skin care when losing weight.

How to calculate the calorie content of a cooked dish.

๐Ÿ”ฅ We help the skin to tighten while losing weight.

The main mistakes of using the calorie counter.

I just share my experience of losing weight, talk about my menu and share recipes with KBZHU, which I consider for myself. I advise nothing and no one, always seek advice from specialists.

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