Eating and losing weight. No hunger, no breakdowns and a half years and already minus 55 kg. I share their delicious menu.


Greetings to all dieters who looked into my blog.

Here, the area of ​​understanding and goodness, be tolerant to each drugu😉.

Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg (with the growth of 173 cm), sharing recipes and experiences.
As I was able to get rid of the moment55kg.

Today I come to you at once with a question.

I immediately wrote recently that the soup on the second day, there can not be. It's unhealthy. Learn why it is impossible and harmful - did not work.

Because you have a lot, and all the people who know and experienced - can you explain to me why you can not eat the soup on the second day, and even more so on the third?

So much so, they say - do not be soup. On the other hand outraged and asked why the soup is not on the menu?

Where is it, the golden mean?)

Half of the country, but what is really there half of the country - the majority in our country eat soup for several days all his life and did not know what to do so you can not - vredno🤦♀️.

A menu I have the following today.

For breakfast 2 boiled chicken eggs, amaranth bread (10 g) of the cream cheese curd (20 grams), avocado (30 g) and 25 g of low-fat cheese. for breakfast I'll just drink a capsule of omega 3, vitamins cutting course.

Breakfast is turned on 365 kcal.

In the morning, as always, I worked, and the day ran into the store and saw action in the magnet on my favorite fish paste. Who loves and buys keep in mind (up to a number not prompt).

After returning from the store she made herself a snack on sandwiches on whole grain bread - only 25 grams of bread and 40 grams of fish paste. Brewed green tea and went to work.

Snack turned on 205 kcal.

On a side dish for dinner, I decided to bake a potato. He asked me to clean the vegetables until I finish the work, and then just slice the potatoes, carrots and onions, pepper and salt, sprinkle with dry garlic and sent to bake for 40 minutes. And she went to work on.

For lunch, 220 g baked potatoes and 170 g chicken roll with mushroom and cheese. And I put some cherry tomato (60 g).

Lunch - 370 calories.

Today almost the whole day was spent in work only during the day to run out to the store.

But I do not forget to take a break and warm up with a fitness band, or simply stand for a few minutes in the bar.

For dinner, I had a salad of canned tuna with vegetables and egg.

180 g of salad filled with 20 g of cream and 10% mustard drop - 200 kcal and 210 g cabbage - 150 kcal.

Dinner 350 kcal.

Total for the day came in 1290 kcal.

I drink water norm. I drink water on an empty stomach and before each meal for 15 minutes on a glass.

And going back to the beginning of the article, what do you think about the fact whether it is possible to eat soup on the second day? In general, how harmful there are soups?


I know that someone has not turned a chocolate cupcake, so I spread videoretsept that was more clearly the cooking process:

Recipe useful wholemeal bread - here.

Recipes that ask recent recall?

  • mushroom pate,
  • pate with avocado and tuna,
  • tiramisu - delicious dessert
  • Cottage cheese casserole with apples and cinnamon.

Try chicken roll in a pita with cheese - will appeal to all!

A mini pizza dough cheesecake will win your hearts and stomachs.

Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.
Do not spare the likes, support me!
I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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