When I want something sweet and I’m too lazy to go to the store, I cook kozinaki. Only 3 ingredients and 5 minutes


I love sweets, but I am often too lazy to go to the store for it if suddenly there is nothing at home. When that happens, I cook kozinaki for tea in just 5 minutes.

It is difficult to call this dessert full-fledged kozinaki, but the taste is very similar. In my opinion, this is something in between kozinaki and roasted nuts.

In the recipe, I cook kozinaki with sunflower seeds, but you can safely replace them with peanuts, almonds or other nuts that you like the most.

A step-by-step recipe for how to cook kozinaki in the microwave


Sugar 100 g

Water 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Sunflower seeds 50 g

Pour sugar into a container, add water and stir so that the water is absorbed into the sugar and there are no dry crystals left.

Important. Choose the right sugar bowl. Do not cook in a plastic container, it will melt. The glass bowl must be suitable for baking and can withstand temperatures above 200 ° C, otherwise it may crack.

I use a glass container from IKEA for cooking. There is a special mark on the bottom of the container that the container can be used in the oven and microwave.

I turn on the microwave at full power and set the timer for 3-4 minutes. For the first minute, nothing happens, and then the sugar begins to melt.

Burnt caramel
Burnt caramel

Each microwave has its own power, so the time I write is approximate and it is better to observe the process the first few times in order to catch the time when the sugar begins to caramelize.

Already in the second minute, the sugar begins to caramelize. The main thing here is not to miss the moment and remove sugar from the microwave on time. If overheated, the sugar will burn.

It is not difficult to wash the dishes from the burnt sugar: pour boiling water over the container and let it stand for 5-10 minutes.

I take the mold out of the microwave using oven mitts, as the sugar caramelizes at temperatures above 120 ° C, which means the mold will be very hot.

While the caramel is hot, add the sunflower seeds, stir and spread on a Teflon mat. You can use baking paper or a silicone mat.

Leave the kozinaki until it cools completely, then break it into small pieces and serve. Such kozinaki should be stored in a container without access to air, otherwise the sugar will absorb moisture from the air and begin to melt.

Although there is such a small portion that, most likely, there will be nothing left for storage.

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