Chicken roll with prunes, pots, chanterelle with Bechamel sauce


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Chicken roll with prunes, pots, chanterelle with Bechamel sauce

Ingredients: chicken fillet, walnut pots, prunes, chasnik, olive olive, boroshn, milk, sir Gold, Special

Cooking method:

Potted pots, prune cut into cubes, 3 teeth of an hourglass, rub all of them and add 4 tbsp. olive oil.

File development and view. Viklasta on kharchov plyvka (the surface on the yak will be soaked in wet ganchirkoy). Viclasty meat on a roll and form the base for the roll.

Ready to salt the meat and stick it with specials for the trigger. Viklasta stuffing that can be turned into a roll for additional food. Viklasti have a form for storing, if necessary, distribute a roll for 2 pieces. Place the dishes in the roll, cover it with a platter and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 years.

Prepare the Bechamel sauce (add 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil, add borosho, stir in hot milk, brew the sauce, add special). Pass the prepared sauce through a sieve and pour the rolls. Cover with foil and tape 15xv at 180. Take the foil. Save 30-35xv at 200. Savory

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