I put pita bread, sausage and cheese in the pan: after 10 minutes, a delicious and hearty breakfast is ready (recipe for lazy people)


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Express recipe from the category of "put everything in the pan and it's ready." A simple recipe for pita bread without problems from the available ingredients. You will definitely like it, because it is prepared quickly and it turns out very, very tasty.

I put pita bread, sausage and cheese in the pan: after 10 minutes, a delicious and hearty breakfast is ready (recipe for lazy people)


Mix eggs and a pinch of salt in a bowl. We prepare the rest of the ingredients: grate the cheese, cut the tomato and sausage into circles (you can take ham / sausages).

Lightly grease a heavy bottomed pan with butter and pour in half of the egg mixture. We put the first pita bread, put sausage and cheese on it.

Then the second lavash. We put tomatoes and cheese on it.

Then the third pita bread and again sausage with cheese. Put the fourth pita bread on top, fill it with the remaining egg mixture.

Cook under a lid over low heat for 5-6 minutes on each side. Then we cut it like a pie and serve it on the table. Bon appetit, my dears!


Lavash thin (cut 4 circles according to the diameter of the pan)
Eggs 3 pcs
Cheese 100-150g
Sausage/ham 100g
Tomato 1 pc

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