Pollock in batter (deep-fried)


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Pollock in batter (deep-fried)

Ingredients: pollock, flour, salt, pepper, spices, vegetable oil, eggs, breadcrumbs

Cooking method:

Clean the fish, cut into pieces (not very large).

Mix flour / salt / pepper / your favorite spices (I mix in a bag).

Beat eggs in a deep plate, pour crackers into a separate bowl (I pour it into a bag, it’s more convenient for me)

Put a cauldron (or a pan with thick walls) on the fire, pour vegetable oil (by eye, but so that the pieces float there).. for now the oil is heated, blot the pieces of fish with a paper towel, circle in flour (I immediately pour everything into a bag of flour and shake)

The oil has warmed up (I just add a pinch of crackers to the oil and if it hisses, then the temperature is sufficient)

I dip each piece in egg-crackers and in butter (you don’t need to put a lot of pieces. They should have enough space so that they can easily turn over) I have a cauldron narrowed to the bottom (I put 3-4 pieces depending on the size).. medium fire (then you can reduce it with each serving)... fry for 3-4 minutes on each side ..

We spread it with a slotted spoon on a paper towel.. let the excess oil drain... the fish is crispy on top, soft and juicy inside ..

Bon Appetit.

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