Tovkachka (mashed potatoes with peas, kvassole, lubricated tsibuleya)


On Twitter, they discussed the reform of eating in the oligarchs, and at the same time they blamed Klopotenka for formulating recipes. We got to know the strength on the standards with technological cards and the collection of Klopotenka "EVGEN KLOPOTENKKO COMPILATION OF RECIPES FOR FOOD FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN VIKU IN THE ORGANIZATION OF LIGHTING AND HEALTH HOSPITALS "and from I virіshiv perevіriti chi to like especially less і stravi vid Klopotenka for primary mortgage Harvest compost Potatoes 0.495х10=5 Kvass 0.04х69=2.8 Peas 0.04х17=0.7 Tsibulya 0.2х15=3 Olіya 0.02х60=1.2 Sil 0.08х6=0.1 Total 12.8 UAH. Withdrawal 0.847 kg. Two servings. 15.1 UAH/kg of finished product or 6.4 UAH/portion Gas 110 liters.

Tovkachka (mashed potatoes with peas, kvassole, lubricated tsibuleya)
Tovkachka (mashed potatoes with peas, kvassole, lubricated tsibuleya)

Ingredients: Peeled potatoes, dry kvass, dry peas, peeled cibules, Olії, Sil, Sodi (for soaking legumes)

Cooking method:

Peas and kvass I soaked in the evening before the preparation. I will soak with additional soda.

The axis of such beans became after soaking.

Let's see other ingredients. Potatoes, cibula and sil.

We put in three pots to cook: peas 10 khvilin potatoes 10 khvilin kvassol 20 khvilin after boiling. Ale this hour, you can even get drunk, at the same time, as if the ingredients will be from unseasonably brewed varieties. Axis so v_varilis.

Dodaemo on patelnyu oliyu. Rozіgіvaєmo patelnyu 2 hvilin on all gas. We give the qibulu and grease it її 5 hvilin for a lot of gas, or on the average it burns more.

I add strength to potatoes, I grease cibula and peas and tovchimo. Let's sweat the kvass and not tovchimo її but just mix it up.

Guilty bulo viyti 1000 gr. Ale, I poured all the water from bean zliv and 847 gr. So, either take the offal from the peas and leave the kvassoli (ale, as for me, the consistency of the bula is miraculous, and with water, it can be more radiant) or change the salt to 6 gr.

Without legumes, such a sheepskin was prepared in the village, ale shche buli and krikhti fat pidsmazhenі. Possibly, the peas do not need to be mixed, but simply mixed, so that they are aware. Wiishlo delicious. It's smelly. A lot of relish. Troshki zabarne at the prepared.

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