Fillet of horse mackerel smeared at microkhvilyovtsy


Just scary. And if you take a fatty fish, then maybe even more savory, because the horse mackerel is dry. Sobіvartіst stravi. Frozen horse mackerel 0.548*66=36.2 (63% of fish did not take the fish out of the ribs, like a frozen mackerel) Electricity 0.4*1.6=0.6 Total UAH 36.8 Withdrawal of ready-made straw 240 gr. Three servings. 153.3 UAH/kg. ready-made strain, 12.3 UAH/portion.

Fillet of horse mackerel smeared at microkhvilyovtsy

Ingredients: Frozen horse mackerel, Olії for oiling, Sil

Cooking method:

Vіddіlyayemo vіd ribi fillet (345 gr. wiyshlo at me) and rozrіzaєmo on shmatki. Smashchimo shmatki olієyu (pіddon zmaschuvat not required for bude olіya will burn) and add salt. Curved with a dome and put in a micro-window. Onslaught: Stop Rum'yana Kirk, program Сс2 With the handle we set the weight of 0.2-0.8 kg Start There are 19 whilins on the scoreboard.

At 8 hvilinі, a signal will be heard and in mittens you will need to wrinkle the dish and turn the pieces over. Put the dish back at the micro-hvilovka and press the start to finish cooking.

Ready. In the photo, the day of the village is dark brown, but it didn’t burn, otherwise such a color in the ribs and bulo it’s more beautiful if you lift the upper skin so that the lower ball of the skin is covered (in the photo there is gold wiishla)

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