Marinated pig vuha in home minds! Piquant snack before beer)
Ingredients: pig vuha, carrot, cybula, salt, bay leaf, peppercorns, marinade: zucru, salt, soy sauce, otsu, soniashnikova oliya, paprika, ground coriander, garlic cloves
Cooking method:
Pigs should be prepared, cleaned, and soaked in water for 3-4 years before cooking. Then they put a saucepan near the saucepan, pour it with cold water, so that they covered it with it, put carrots, cibula, bay leaves, peppercorns. Let's cook for 1.5-2 years, until soft, but not overcooked. 10 hvilin before that, yak vuha will be ready for home salt. Know the pina from time to time. Let's sweat it out, cool it down and wipe it with paper towels in front of the homeland.
Narizaemo vuha thin husbands. We store at the place in the yakіy we will marinate. - Gotuemo marinade in soy sauce, ocet, sonyashnikova oliya, paprika, ground coriander and chasnik. All garno peremishuєmo. - Before the narration of the vuh, we add strength 0.5 tsp and tsukor, mix it up. We gave the marinade, I mix everything again, chop it up and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 years. And shorter for nothing. Ready for marinated pig vuha)
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