That will help to get rid of belly fat?


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In many women, the main problem in the presence of excess weight - is fat deposits on the thighs, especially the stomach, so inherent nature.

How to get rid of the hated Zhirkov on the abdomen and thighs?

It's simple, but it was not as most people think.

It is necessary to observe basic rules nutrition:
- eat in moderation,
- Products boil, stew, bake, avoid frying,
- to limit the consumption of sugar, confectionery, soda, chips and other unhealthy foods,
- the rate of drinking clean water.

should eat more foods containing protein (chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, cheese), fiber (vegetables and whole grains).

Drink green tea and discard the tea with sugar and various snacks in prikusku.

Pay attention to the physical exercise and the best power, rather than cardio.

You do not have to exhaustion rock press, thinking that so quickly leave the stomach. It is a myth!

Fat does not go with any particular place, as we would not want to. Why? Read more details here.

Fat-burning massages and body wraps, too, does not exist. However, to give up the problem areas massage and body wraps are not worth it, because the blood flow to problem places helps to get rid of cellulite, and activate the flow of hormones that trigger process fat burning.

Stress and inadequate sleep - prevent to get rid of fat accumulation.

Adhering to these basic rules, you will get rid of excess weight, including in problem areas.

But remember, pace yourself workouts and procedures to locally only on the problem area - this is wrong, because it does not help get rid of the fat in this area.

The breakdown of fat - is a complex chemical process and send it to us exactly the right place, not the power of anyone.

By myself, I noticed that losing weight is 33 kg, it is the stomach and hips I still have not those I dream about. The truth is I have yet to lose weight and lose weight. I hope that when the excess weight go away, then the stomach will be flat and thighs smaller).

I used to like most, tried to swing the press, thinking that will get rid primarily on the stomach... but it was not there. And after reading the information on the subject of training and splitting zhira..pomenyala their exercise and sent them mostly on the expenditure of energy and get rid of naedennyh calories.

-33 kg since May 2018 - my result.
-33 kg since May 2018 - my result.

Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I'm going their own way on the right weight loss diet.

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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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