Step one.Any not sweet, liquid milk product (kefir, yogurt, etc.) need pour in a container, which is then fit into your colander. AND put in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
Step Two.lay out this piece of "ice" in a colander with cheesecloth and leave for 7-8 hours until all liquid runoff.
At the exit you get 500 Gramov serum (it can be used for baking or for hash) and 300-350 gr. curd mass!
Step Three. For flavor you can use different supplements: In this case, I made a shrimp cheese and cheese with herbs and cucumber.
How to make mushroom with a mass similar to cheese, read >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>here
This cheese you can do as a salt ( with pickles, herring, ham with dried tomatoes)And sweet. For sweet enough add sugar, vanilku, or chocolate, or fruit, or dried fruit or jam)) This wand - wand for useful and economical breakfast.
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