How to cook a delicious crumbly rice garnish


I share my secret is very tasty and crisp rice for garnish. It turns out always! All the bridesmaids prepared according to my prescription.


To cook crumbly rice, does not fit every variety. Better to take a long grain parboiled NOT. it turns out the most delicious side dish.

So, as I do. In a frying pan to melt 2-3 tablespoons of butter, put the halves or quarters of finely chopped onion and fry for a minute or two. At the same time water is boiled in a saucepan. The proportions are as follows: for one cup rice 2 cups of water.

Then I turn the strongest fire and lay in the pan with the onion rice. Rice dry, do not rinse. Now we fry it with onions, stirring constantly. A few minutes later rice starts to get brown hue - then it's time to shift it from the pan into the boiling water.

Salt to taste and cook until cooked rice. It turns out very tasty. Onions if desired not be added, and immediately fry rice in butter. Bon Appetit!

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