Cook in the first place!!! Sooo delicious salad in the winter, "Charlotte."


This recipe I got from my grandmother, who always liked to make preparations for the winter. I love this salad since childhood, but it did not reach his hands to prepare itself... Finally - it gathered, set to work and at the same time decided to share with you!


To begin, take 3 - 4 peppers stuff and cut it into strips, 1kg ripe tomatoes - slices, and 300 g of onion chop as finely as possible, and then cook it in a vegetable oil. Such a process is called "sautéing" or "saute". Sautéing confused with frying, however, have a completely different purpose. Roaster uses a small amount of oil which has been heated to a high temperature, while for use saute much more oil, but its temperature is much smaller, with the result that vegetables acquire a golden color and delicate texture.

Then all the vegetables, mix, add 1 teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of black pepper, half a cup of sugar and cook until boiling, then another half hour does not remove from heat. At the end do not forget to pour into the workpiece 1 teaspoon of 70% vinegar, can be spread on a clean jars and store in a warm secluded place. I'm sure the salad - blank "Charlotte" will love you and your family! Bon Appetit!

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