The usual summer salad cucumber and tomato, you can make a surprise, but this is not for you, but for your enemies! The fact that many people believe that if they have more vitamins, you will be healthy, but it is not so. Enemies human body (parasites, p. tumor ...) is also not averse to eat vitamins! And nourishing yourself with vitamins, we also vitaminchiki and is being fed and their darling! And it is necessary to us?
And in these difficult times under the name it is now important not just eat more vitaminok, but also to introduce in your diet such products that just can not stand our enemies, namely, garlic, horseradish, mustard, red hot pepper, caraway, cumin, radishes, root ginger... And then our body will be armed and protected. From such a useful power will be far more sense than just vitamins from eating!
Parasites raskormleny and waiting for a new portion of vitaminok, and you tell them again in the head alikamentami!
Particularly relevant antiparasitic salads for pet owners "kissing" animals!
Recently, our friends the cat by the name of the Marquis gave their whole family parasites, so they brought them barely ate every day for three weeks, a salad and shared with us the recipe just in case for prevention. Here are here are surprises from awnings Kitties!Only it is important to do it metronomicheski gradually introducing into your diet such bio-active products gradually. absorb these strong substances do not need to time! There are contraindications. This salad is a surprise only for healthy people, and others just a salad without surprises, which are labeled as (!)
Make a salad with a surprise!
1. spinach leaf (10 large sheets)
2. Green onions (3 pen)
3. Fresh dill (puchochek)
4. Cumin (pinch)
5. Tomatoes (3 pieces)
6. Cucumbers (3 medium pieces)
7. Ginger root (1x1 cm) (!)
8. Mustard (half a teaspoon) (!)
9. Red pepper (pinch) (!)
10. Mustard oil (2 tablespoons)
11. Arugula (leaves 5, but can do without)
12. Garlic (1 clove) (!)
13. Horseradish (1h1sm) (!)
14. Turmeric (pinch) (!)
A method for preparing a salad surprise
Took spinach and arugula, washed, dry up, spread out on a plate. All components are cut like a regular salad (cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, herbs finely poshinkovat), sprinkled with seasonings, rubbed torochke on ginger, garlic, horseradish, add mustard, mustard oil poured all and you can enjoy the bright sharp-fresh summer taste. Usually it is not recommended to eat after the sun and it is right approach, but if you really really want, it is better to eat a salad the evening, when the parasites are most active, than the habit dimmed fried, flour, and sugar-containing dishes and then suffer!
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