Probably, many people in our "difficult" time dream to have House in the countryside with her grandmotherWho meet and have regaledfresh milk, heavy cream, pancakes with cottage cheese and sour cream.
For me, it's not a dream, but a reality, because my grandmother lives in a village and is always waiting for a visit, and also shares with me his recipes.
This old-fashioned way, my grandmother makes sour cream, and says that it is really rustic sour cream from her childhood.
For the preparation of Smetana from an ancient recipe needed Whole cow's milk is a high fat content.
In the summer, says the grandmother, the cows eat a lot of juicy green grass, so they milk fat and the most suitable for the preparation of sour cream.
We proceed to the preparation.
For the sour cream fresh milk is not suitable. Milk should not settle for less than a day. During this time it kills natural inhibitors that prevent the formation of lactic acid bacteria.
So first you need to put the milk in the refrigerator, and then proceed to the preparation of sour cream.
After 24 hours on the surface of the milk will be well marked fatty cream layer. This will be our sour cream.
But before the milk should stand in the heat for about a day, to the cream soured and thickened (milk should be kept open to the air).
The main thing is not to overdo the cream, and then they become acidic and sour cream will be tasteless.
Good sign that matured cream, are bubbles that appear in the milk and rise to the top (this is well visible in the bank).
So, ready to remove fat from the surface of the cream of milk with a spoon.
We shift them in a jar, cover with a cloth and put in a cool place for two days. During this time, the cream is completely zagusteyut and become sour.
The average of 3 liters of milk leaves 400 gr. sour cream.
Sour cream for this recipe always turns thick and oily with a sweet creamy taste. This sour cream Sour cream Sour cream around!
Bon Appetit!
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