Home cream without leaven in 12 hours (simple recipe)


This simple proven recipe homemade sour cream.

image of open source
image of open source

This cream is prepared on a home without milk ferments and any additives, and it turns out natural with a pleasant sweet taste of cream.

If milk is not overexposing and remove the tops in time, the cream will be canceled.

To prepare the cream need natural homemade milk (cow and fit, and goat).


I receive milk in 3-liter jar and put it roughly a day in a refrigerator. During this time, the cream will rise up.

Jar then was covered with gauze to the air, and put in a warm location for about 12 hours. It all depends on the time of year.

When the bank will be noticeable air bubbles, then it matured cream. A top layer will be clearly visible greasy cream (tops).

Now spoon carefully remove the tops and shifts in a jar. What is fat milk, the larger will cream.

3 liters of milk will yield approximately 300-400-c. sour cream.

I got home double cream. This is the home sour cream, but that it becomes thicker, it needs to be put into the refrigerator for about a day.

Homemade sour cream 12 hours ready!

Bon Appetit!

See also:

Quick recipe useful curd of 1 capsule calcium chloride (recipe from Soviet cookbook)

How to make sour cream:

  • Home cream the old-fashioned (simple proven over the years the recipe)
  • As of milk and cream to cook thick cream (which bogged down the spoon)
  • How to cook the cream of yogurt per night (simple step by step recipe)
  • How to make home-fat sour cream, butter like (Step recipe cage)
  • Grandmother taught how to make a real sour cream in an old recipe

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