After spending half his life at sea, I, more than anyone else, know and understand a lot about fish. I love it fried, boiled, salted, smoked, dried, provesnuyu, the salad and pasta. Motto: fish does not happen much!
However, very often it does not cook, because the smell of fried fish in an apartment for a long time after cooking to be reminded of her presence in the house). Therefore, it is often ordered in a cafe, but there is usually some fish varieties: trout, bream, halibut, sturgeon, etc.
But there is a fish, you can not refuse under any circumstances is red mullet !!!
Today I will share with you a recipe for fried red mullet.
Frankly, even to pronounce the word recipe embarrassed because all you have to perform trebuetsya- 3 steps, namely:
Wash the fish, salt it and roll in flour, put in a hot frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.
There is only one rule that you need to perform! Never cover the pan with a lid UNTIL fried red mullet, if you're not a fan of fish porridge)
Importantly, do not need to invent the complexity and wiser with her cooking.
There is a proverb: the best is the enemy of the good. Do not experiment. You can pour a little lemon.
Fish preparing from the beginning to the end of 10 minutes, and eaten with the same speed.
Garnish can be fed rice, mashed potatoes or vegetables, as you can see in the photo.
Do not take my word for it! Try it! You'll like it!!!
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