Ribs on the grill: Yum


Good weather, warm sun, nature woke up - it's time to the country, Sir! What the country important? Just do not say that the beds! Dacha importantly - grill.

Because only through this grill, no electric (yes, yes, many will argue with me here), you can cook... ambrosia!

Food of the gods!

A piece of meat soaked in a light aroma of smoke.

Your grill will not advertise (though his love dearly and I think one of the best on the market) because it focuses only on meat.

We've got ribs. Mmm, yummy. Ribs themselves - self-contained piece, especially because I will not be perverted over them.

First, marinate (in no more than a couple of hours), and then sent to jail.

Zazharistuyu crust can only be obtained if the heating is direct - ie coals directly under the ribs.

And in order that they propeklis, remove the coals to one side and even will cover a lid.

Of course, we will periodically lubricate the ribs with marinade and turn.

And when we finish with them - Terminated warm salad. Bake on the grate vegetables, and then clean up and tucked 200 grams of cream mixed with salt, chives and more herbs.

Well, the recipe for the marinade in the end:

• 5-6 tablespoons of honey

• 5-6 tablespoons ketchup

• 1-2 spoons flakes chili

• ½ tablespoons paprika

• 2 tablespoons soy sauce

• 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

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