You is such that all of a sudden wanted to sweet, and to the store to go laziness? I quite often.
In such cases, it helps me cookie recipe total of 3 ingredients. The cooking process is so simple that all in all take 30 minutes.
The beauty of this cookie is that all the ingredients most often eat at home. You can use any nuts, I used hazelnuts. And, if desired, they can even replace oatmeal.
To prepare cookies on this recipe you will not need a mixer or some other special equipment, although it will be easier with him. I deliberately tried to do everything just a whisk and I have everything worked out.
The amount of sugar can also be varied. The less sugar, the more liquid is the dough and biscuit itself will spread during baking. More sugar - cookies will be crisp.
If you have any raisins, dried apricots, dried cranberries or chocolate, you can add a handful of the small. The recipe allows it, but the main thing is not to overdo it.
Store cookies is best in a sealed package, as easy to absorb excess moisture from the air. Although I have it for a long time is not late, though, and I always cook small portions.
Well, the recipe itself, see the video below. There's the whole process of cooking shows, so that you do not get to make a mistake. Happy viewing!