As pastry I weigh all the ingredients on the scale. This makes it possible to achieve the same result from time to time. But there are times when I want to cook something sweet at a party, and the balance is not at hand.
In such situation I use a table of weights and measures. I will leave it to the end of the article, but now tell what you should pay attention, if you do not have scales.
The volume of material to be weighed
To tell banal example.
All probably remember the school of physics puzzle. What's harder: one kilogram of lint or one kilogram of nails? The answer is simple - they are equal. But it would be hard, if weighed one glass and one glass nail down?
That's right, harder it will be one kilogram of nails. However, this example is not very lucid when weighing cake products. So I'll show the example of cups of flour and a cup of water.
As can be seen, glass of water is heavier and not 10-20 c and 90 c. This is due to the different densities weighed.
By the way, 1 cup of wet flour is heavier than 1 cup of dry flour. Notice the difference in the eye will not work, but you can try. Therefore, measuring out the ingredients cups or spoons, consider this fact.
But back to the table, which I promised to show in the beginning. This table is from the book of pastry recipes of 1979, you can find others on the Internet, but they have not changed.
P.S. Each, of course, decides what he measure products, or rather the balance has not yet come up with anything.