Coffee like in a coffee shop


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Do you want to have a cup of coffee like from a restaurant or from a real professional barista? You can do the same yourself, with your own hands. And no super-tools are needed.

Which coffee to choose?

Important! Only grain coffee is brewed, instant coffee is another story.
Beans can be bought at the supermarket, but the best way to do this is in specialty stores, internet services, or coffee shops.

For a homemade cup of coffee, Arabica is fine. There is no need to be smart with mixing Arabica and Robusta - it is difficult to create a good taste of the drink for an inexperienced person, and it is more likely to spoil and be disappointed as a result.

The significant difference between Arabica and Robusta is the percentage of caffeine. So in robusta it is higher than in arabica, while arabica is significantly aromatic, and its taste is softer and richer.

There are also varieties of coffee that depend on the place of growth and soil. What is the difference between coffee beans from Brazil and Africa HERE.

How to grind? Or buy ready-made, ground coffee?

If you don't have a coffee grinder, you can buy ground coffee. But in the smallest package. And that's why.

There are 4 main grinding options:

  • Large - coffee particles approx. 1 mm, this option is ideal for brewing in a French press or preparing in a drip coffee machine.
  • Middle - this coffee grind is used in coffee machines and in carob coffee makers, as it is easily retained by filters, while the drink gets an excellent taste and beautiful foam.
  • Small the grinding is used for making coffee in a Turk or as it is also called a cezva.
  • The smallest grinding, almost dusty - the ideal grind for espresso, it is only suitable for special professional coffee machines in which coffee is prepared by passing steam through the coffee beans.

And now an important point!

Coffee beans need to be ground only before the actual preparation of the drink, as ground coffee dries out quickly and exhales quickly.
It should be slightly moist, and when the coffee is stored for more than two days, the powder becomes dry. The aroma leaves and the taste of the finished drink weakens.
Grinding coffee in a coffee grinder is easy - time it.

Coffee like in a coffee shop, but at home?

Yes, it's very simple! Even if you don't have a coffee machine or coffee maker. You can use the traditional Turkish method.
We will tell you how to do it here >>>
How to make delicious coffee in a Turk at home

Or use a teapot... for tea!

How to brew in a French press

How to cook:

Warm up the French press with hot water.
Pour in 20 gr. coarse coffee.
Pour 290 ml of hot (not boiling!) Water.
Wait 4 minutes for the coffee to infuse. Lower the piston slowly. Pour coffee into cups.

No Turkish or French press? Take a mug, a cup, a cup, a glass... and brew like that!

How to brew in a mug

How to cook:

Ideally, 100 ml of water will need 6.67 grams. ground coffee (slightly less than half a teaspoon).
Warm up the cup by simply rinsing it with hot water.
The coffee beans should be ground to near-flour condition.
Pour coffee into a cup and gradually spill it with hot water, but not boiling water.
A coffee cap is formed and slowly rises.
Let the coffee "bloom" a little, wait until the cap cracks like earth, and then take two teaspoons and carefully remove the cap.
That's it, coffee is ready!

A cup of coffee is one of the oldest brewing methods, and quite good according to a professional barista. It is close to purover (brewing through a filter in a special funnel), the only thing is that the drink prepared in a pour-over will have less sediment.

Do not cover the coffee cup with anything - the coffee cap is formed in order to preserve the coffee aroma.

Do what tastes good to you, try it and don't be afraid to experiment.

I wish you all health and patience! Everything will be fine!

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