Treatment of kidney Millet: what doctors are silent?


Millet brings stones and sand from the kidneys, the bladder, cystitis heals, it helps with women's diseases.

millet kidney treatment is very effective, but of him for some reason all forget and prefer chemicals rather than natural remedies.

The article is devoted to old, little forgotten methods of treating kidney millet, which can be applied in our day.

recipe №1

1. Glass millet washed with warm water, poured into a 3-liter jar and to fill all the hot water.
Then press at room temperature, concealing something warm.
The next day, you will see a white slurry in water.
Here it is your medicine.

Drink the liquid in any quantity, and when you want. As the liquid is over, pour over boiling water and millet again insist.

You can drink as long as the taste will not change. Then take another glass of millet.

Millet perfectly helps the kidneys and the entire urinary excretory system: kidneys cleans, removes sand, stones, helps with women's diseases and treats cystitis.
It is effective in the treatment of bladder stones - after the start of the use of a decoction of wheat in a week or two stone dissolves in the sand and come out in the urine.

recipe №2

2. Polstakana millet thoroughly rinse, fill in 1 liter of water, boil 7 minutes.
After a few infusions, drink without limits.

Millet is good to use in the form of cereals, soups. Harm from it will not, and in the treatment helps very much.

Millet kidneys helped a woman who developed a complication from the flu - as a result of infections were blocked urinary tract, because of what the discontinued flow of urine.
This case describes a physician who lowered his hands, when the patient had kidney failure.
She lay in the hospital, it was very bad - the urine did not go for two days, kidney failure, uremia began.
Since it has already started to say goodbye to loved ones, because these patients do not live more than 3 days - kidney die, and with them and the people.
Helped other women who brought the night. She asked what had happened, and when she found out her husband called, he immediately brought to millet.
They brought quickly, though, and was late at night (3:00).

We made a decoction, which have become water the patient with kidney failure a tablespoon every ten minutes.
It took 8 hours passages opened and urine is gone.

recipe №3

3. Millet to fill half the 3-liter cans, full pour boiling water, stir thoroughly, shelter and leave for a day.

Drain all liquid and drink it all day long without any restrictions. To continue the course week.
Remaining millet can not throw away, and cook from it, such as porridge.
For every day use to prepare a decoction of the new portion of millet.

Treatment of renal millet conducted in inflammatory processes in the kidney, ureter and bladder.

recipe №4

4. Purification kidney porridge millet and cranberries.

Millet sprout, which cover the seeds lightly with water, cover with gauze and wait for sprouts not hatch.
It takes a couple of days. After that, the germinated seeds washed and dried. Boil, without any features as a regular cereal on the water.

There is a millet porridge without butter, salt and sugar together with cranberries.

This method not only cleans the kidneys, but also reduces high blood pressure, strengthens our bones.

This food will be a real resort for your kidneys.

Result - Kidney cleaning, including the sand, slime, concrements, reduce inflammation, removes recovery of renal tissues and organs of the urinary tract.

The advantage of cranberries is that it is rich in a variety of trace elements necessary for our kidneys. Useful such a mess, even if the kidneys do not hurt, as a preventive measure.

Treatment of kidney millet - a great opportunity to give kidneys to what they want, namely their health and peace of mind.

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