Do not make the basic mistake of losing weight. I share the menu and recipes on which I lost 59 kg.



I welcome everyone!

Let's get acquainted! My name is Anya and since May 2018 I have switched to about proper nutrition and a calorie deficit.
In my blog, I talk about how my process of losing weight from 132.2 kg (with a height of 172 cm) is going, I share recipes and experiences.
I have currently managed to get rid of59kg.

Knows what the main mistake of losing weight is hunger.

We are used to the fact (or we were most likely zombified) that if you want to lose weight, you have to close your mouth and not eat.

As a result, our mouth still opens at the very first cake that comes into our eyes and a breakdown occurs, which returns all the lost kilograms and brings a couple more.

It is necessary to eat, and even make sure that our body receives all the nutrients and trace elements we need.

One of the surest ways to lose weight is a calorie deficit and a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Yes, with a small deficit, you will not lose 10 kg in a week and will not fit into a chic dress for the holiday.

But you will not lose your health, which is the most important thing. The extra pounds will go away, while you will be tasty and satisfying. Forget about hunger.

I'll tell you about my menu for the day.

For breakfast, sandwiches on wholegrain homemade bread (60 g) with curd cheese (20 g), homemade chicken and turkey ham (120 g) and tomato (60 g), as well as green tea.

Vitamins and omega-3 in the morning are a must.

Breakfast turned out to be 370 kcal.

After breakfast, go to work.

Distracted only to run to the store for bread for the family and milk.

And when I returned, I had a bite.

For a snack - cucumber (80 g) with curd cheese (20 g) and homemade ham (80 g).

It turned out for a snack 155 kcal.

For lunch I have yesterday's chicken breast in a creamy sauce (175g) and boiled bulgur (130g).

Lunch at 375 kcal.

Cooking for a few days always helps.

And congratulate me! More than a month passed and I finally waited for my chair, which I ordered for myself for work. Now I will work as a white man at a laptop.

As soon as I can, I will share with you a photo in the chair. In the meantime, my husband is tired of photographing me, we are waiting for a rest

As I said, I have no luck in life. Either the delivery of the kitchen corner at night, or the chair for a month cannot be made and the deadlines were moved 2 times and, in the end, they simply forgot about me. Until I called and asked where my chair was (the delivery day came, which was the last to be voiced to me), they did not come to their senses. I would have waited for the weather by the sea.

Once again I was convinced that there is no need to pay for the order in advance - only after the fact.

I was so inspired by the new workplace that after lunch I sat down to work with enthusiasm.

It's good that for dinner I had a couple of chopped cutlets and there are vegetables in the refrigerator for a salad.

Dinner 130 g of chopped chicken cutlets with cheese and bell pepper and vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber - 160 g), seasoned with olive oil (5 g).

Dinner for 280 kcal.

During the day, I ate 50 g of dried mango with tea - 120 kcal.

As a result, in a day 1300 kcal.

I observe the drinking regime, do physical education at home, try to walk more.


Video recipe for cottage cheese-peach casserole - the most tender:

Chicken breast recipe in a creamy sauce.

Crib for beginners to lose weight.

How to calculate the calorie content of a finished dish.

Skin care for weight loss.

Recipe Links Directory.

Thanks for your time and likes.
Subscribe to my channel if you are interested in my experience, recipes and communication.
I do not pretend to be a PP expert. Just sharing my experience. I am "OkoloPP"!

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